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The Monastra Family's Story

The Monastra Family's Story

This is a piece of equipment we had coveted from afar for a long time so we were thrilled to learn they were bringing them into New Zealand!

Our 3 year old daughter has been given the gift of Independant movement at long last. She is unable to crawl or walk but can sit with assistance and although her left hand side suffers significant weakness, she is easily able to manoeuvre the Scooot with her right hand.

In just a few weeks she has mastered "Scoooting" and is currently enjoying the ability to explore her surroundings and our kitchen cupboards like a typical toddler.

The way she has sat in it and figured out how to get around through trial and error has been a wonderful surprise for us - we had no idea if this type of problem solving would be possible for her. We are so excited about the opportunities this has opened up for our daughter and would highly recommend giving the Scooot a try.

With thanks from The Monastra family.

Click to learn more about the Firefly Scoot