Product FAQ's
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Manual Wheelchairs
Manual Wheelchairs
Wheelchair Seating
Aids for Daily Living
Walking Aids
Ultra-Lightweight Wheelchairs
Paediatric Products
Bracing and Supports
Mobility Scooters
Emergency Evacuation
Bodypoint Positioning
Bamboo Brace
Portable Grab Bars
Quantum TRU Balance 4
TENS Machine
Dictus Band
Manual Wheelchairs
How do you know what size wheelchair is right?
How do you know what size wheelchair is right?
It is important that the wheelchair fits well enough, that it is comfortable and that it is not likely to press on any part of the body, with the potential of creating pressure areas.
To ensure the right fit, the following measurements are needed of the wheelchair user:
- The measurement from the bottom to the shoulder (taken when sitting)
- The measurement from the back of the bottom to the back of the knee.
- The measurement from behind the knee to the heel (taken when sitting).
- The widest measurement of the backside when seated.
- As different wheelchairs have different user weight limits, it’s important to know the weight of the wheelchair user.
If it’s hard to get all these measurements, there are a couple of simple things that can be done to make sure the wheelchair fits okay:
- Is there enough room to slide a hand down between the armrest and the thigh? If this is not possible, a larger size needs to be tried.
- Can two fingers side by side be put behind the knee before hitting the seat upholstery? If not, then a wheelchair with a longer seat depth is needed.
Watch a video of how to measure a client for a wheelchair here.
How do you fold/unfold a manual wheelchair?
How do you fold/unfold a manual wheelchair?
The easiest way is to lift up under the centre of the wheelchair seat
upholstery. To unfold, tilt slightly to one side, and press down on one or both seat rails keeping fingers and hands clear of any moving parts. Some wheelchairs may fold up differently, so it is best to refer to the user manual
to learn how this can be done.
Why are legrests that swingaway needed on manual wheelchairs?
Why are legrests that swingaway needed on manual wheelchairs?
If the legrests swing away, the wheelchair can get closer to an object that is being transferred onto. They also make it easier for a hoist or piece of equipment used to help transfer a wheelchair user, get closer to the wheelchair, making the transfer easier and safer.
Can the legrest length be adjusted on manual wheelchairs?
Can the legrest length be adjusted on manual wheelchairs?
The position of the footplate can easily be adjusted to fit the individual's leg length. To alter the length, simply loosen the bolt under the end of the legrest, adjusting the footplate in and out to achieve the desired position, and then re-tightening the bolt securely.
The footplate should be adjusted to support the weight of the foot and lower leg in such a position that permits the weight to be bared by the thighs. If the legrest is too long, the user will have a line of pressure under the thigh, at the front of the seat upholstery. If the legrest is too short, the knees will be too high and too much pressure will be on the buttocks.
Ideally the user's knees and hips should be at the same angle.
Why are anti-tippers important for manual wheelchairs?
Why are anti-tippers important for manual wheelchairs?
Anti-tippers are designed to stop the wheelchair from tipping backwards when the wheelchair is going up an incline. While some antitippers are removable, Allied Medical does not recommend the removal of these - they are a safety feature on the wheelchair and should be used at all times.
What is the ideal height for a manual wheelchair backrest?
What is the ideal height for a manual wheelchair backrest?
Ideally you want to have the back upholstery end just under the shoulder blade. Sometimes carers like to have the push canes higher to make it easier for them to push, but be careful in raising them up too high as this can often stop the users being able to self-propel easily. An adjustable height backrest is an idea especially if a wheelchair cushion hasn’t been decided on yet.
What are the benefits of height adjustable armrests on manual wheelchairs?
What are the benefits of height adjustable armrests on manual wheelchairs?
As we are all different sizes, and choose to sit on different height cushions, height adjustment is important. By being able to adjust the height of the armrests getting under a table is more accessible, or if a tray is being used, the tray can be at a serviceable height. Proper armrest height is very important as it can prevent shoulder problems. Ideally an armrest that is correctly adjusted will support forearms with the elbows at 90 degrees and the shoulders will be level.
Do Allied Medical ever sell second hand wheelchairs?
Do Allied Medical ever sell second hand wheelchairs?
As Allied Medical is an importer, we only stock new wheelchairs. However, from time to time we do have wheelchairs that are ex-demo and may have some minor paintwork damage. We are happy to sell these at a reduced cost but with the same warranties. This is a good way of getting a great wheelchair at a price that is a little easier on the pocket.
If you want a second hand wheelchair, try looking on Trade Me or visit our Stockist Locator page as they may have some available.
What maintenance does a wheelchair need?
What maintenance does a wheelchair need?
Most wheelchairs come with a basic instruction manual which outlines any specific regular maintenance that is required to that model.
In general, it is a good idea to check the following on a monthly basis:
- If the wheelchair has pneumatic tyres on it, check that the air pressure in the tyres is correct – the correct pressure is indicated on the side of the tyre
- Check that the axle housing is free from dirt, hair and mud. Clean any dirt or hair that has gathered around the axles – the wheels should spin freely
- Check that the castors run smoothly – make sure there is no hair, fluff or grit in the castors
- Check that the brakes hold the tyre firmly in place and are easy to put on and off
Check that the nuts and bolts are all tight and secure
Do you offer rental wheelchairs?
Do you offer rental wheelchairs?
No, we do not offer rental wheelchairs, however, many of our stockist do – click here to find your nearest stockist. We do, however, have a range of low-cost products if purchasing a wheelchair is an option. Many rental wheelchairs have a minimum period so it can pay to calculate the total cost and compare to purchasing equipment especially if you are likely to need the wheelchair again in the future. Over time, the cost per use of purchased equipment is often lower than renting, making ownership a more economical choice. You can also on-sell wheelchairs through websites such as Trade Me if you do find it is no longer needed. Our most popular low-cost chairs are the AML Wheelchairs available in Transit, Self-Propelling and Bariatric options – click to view all.
Are wheelchair wheels interchangeable?
Are wheelchair wheels interchangeable?
Not all wheelchair wheels are interchangeable. Wheel compatibility depends on the wheelchair model and the type of wheel (e.g., front casters vs. rear wheels). It's important to consult our customer care team or a healthcare professional to ensure the correct wheel type and size for your specific wheelchair model.
Can you fly with a wheelchair?
Can you fly with a wheelchair?
Yes, wheelchair users can fly. Airlines are required to accommodate passengers with mobility devices, and most airports are equipped with accessible facilities. It's advisable to notify the airline in advance about your wheelchair and any assistance you may need. Additionally, understanding the airline's policies on mobility devices and preparing for security checks can help ensure a smooth travel experience. See our blog about travelling with a powerchair here.
What wheelchair is right for me?
What wheelchair is right for me?
Choosing the right wheelchair depends on your individual needs, lifestyle, and physical condition. Factors to consider include the level of mobility assistancerequired, whether you need a manual or power wheelchair, and specific features like seat size, weight capacity, and portability. Consulting with a healthcare professional or talking to our customer care team can help you select a wheelchair that best suits your needs and enhances your quality of life.
Which wheelchair is the lightest?
Which wheelchair is the lightest?
The lightest manual wheelchair available on our website is the Karma Ergo Lite Transit Wheelchair, which weighs only 8.5 kg. This ultra-lightweight wheelchair is designed for easy transport and storage, making it perfect for outings and travel. Its compact and foldable design ensures that it can fit into the boot of a car with minimal effort.
Where can I see and try wheelchairs?
Where can I see and try wheelchairs?
Selected wheelchairs are available at a range of stockists and Disability Resource Centres across New Zealand. Knowledgeable staff are on hand to help you find the right solution.
To find your nearest reseller, click here.
For more complex wheelchairs (these are generally POA on our website) you can email our team at helpis@alliedmedical.co.nz and they can discuss the options available for you. If you are working with an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist they can also reach out to our team on your behalf.
What are the various types of manual wheelchairs and what are the differences?
What are the various types of manual wheelchairs and what are the differences?
At Allied Medical, we offer a range of manual wheelchairs designed to support different mobility needs. Choosing the right wheelchair is important for comfort, independence, and ease of use. Here’s a breakdown of the main types and their differences.
1. Standard Manual Wheelchairs
These are durable, general-use wheelchairs that can be self-propelled or pushed by a caregiver if equipped with push handles. They are a great option for short-term or occasional use but can be heavier than other models.
2. Transit Wheelchairs
Designed to be pushed by a loved one or caregiver, transit wheelchairs have smaller wheels, making them lightweight and easy to fold. They are ideal for short trips or travel.
3. Lightweight & Ultra-Lightweight Wheelchairs
Designed for easier propulsion and transport, these wheelchairs are ideal for active users or those who need a chair that is simple to fold and lift into a vehicle. Ultra-lightweight models reduce strain on the arms and shoulders, making self-propelling more efficient.
4. Tilt-in-Space & Reclining Wheelchairs
These wheelchairs provide additional postural support and pressure relief.
- Tilt-in-Space Wheelchairs – The seat and backrest tilt as one unit to redistribute weight and reduce pressure on specific areas.
- Reclining Wheelchairs – The backrest reclines independently, which can help users who need to shift positions frequently.
5. Bariatric Wheelchairs
Bariatric wheelchairs are designed for users who require a higher weight capacity and a wider seat. These wheelchairs offer reinforced frames and durable materials to provide extra stability, comfort, and support. They are ideal for individuals who need a strong and reliable mobility solution.
Wheelchair Seating
How will I know which wheelchair cushion or backrest is right for me and my needs?
How will I know which wheelchair cushion or backrest is right for me and my needs?
Occupational Therapists will help you decide what is required from these products; and can also source these items. There is a vast array of different products and brands in New Zealand, with each product having different pros and cons. Registered professionals are able to guide clients through their options and help short-list the appropriate products.
When selecting a wheelchair cushion and/or backrest for a family member the following factors need to be considered:
- Does the user have a history of pressure areas or sores?
- How long will the user be sitting in the wheelchair for each day?
- Are there any incontinence issues?
- Does the user have any significant postural challenges e.g. slumps to one side?
Cushions offer benefits such as comfort, pressure relief and can contribute to optimum positioning. Cushions can be manufactured from a range of different materials; where some require more maintenance than others.
Can I trial different backrests and wheelchair cushions?
Can I trial different backrests and wheelchair cushions?
Yes; these items can be trialed, provided there is a request from a therapist. The trial process is very important to determine whether the selected product is suitable. Generally, the trial time frames are two weeks and therapists will set the product up to meet your needs. Adjustments can be made to ensure comfort throughout the trial.
How do I wash my wheelchair cushion cover?
How do I wash my wheelchair cushion cover?
Please refer to the manufacturer specific washing instructions. Each cushion has washing instructions within the product manual, so we recommend you read this.
- For Ottobock cushions, turn the cover inside out, zip closed, and wash in warm water in a regular machine cycle. Regular detergent is OK, please do not use bleach. Air dry flat
- For Varilite cushions, turn the cover inside out, zip closed, and wash in warm water in a regular machine cycle. Regular detergent is OK, please do not use bleach. Air dry flat
- For Ride Design cushions, turn the cover inside out, zip closed, and wash in warm water in a regular machine cycle. Regular detergent is OK, please do not use bleach. Air dry flat
- For Axiom cushions, turn the cover inside out, zip closed, and wash in warm water. Regular detergent is OK, please do not use bleach. Air dry flat
- It is not recommend that any covers go into the tumble dryer.
Can I sit on the wheelchair cushion without its cover on it, while the cover is being washed?
Can I sit on the wheelchair cushion without its cover on it, while the cover is being washed?
The cover is an important part of the cushion and the two parts are designed to work as a team. It is not recommended to use the cushion without the cover.
How long will a wheelchair cushion or backrest last?
How long will a wheelchair cushion or backrest last?
Wheelchair cushions and backrests are designed to last for at least five years. Appropriate care and maintenance are very important for ensuring longevity and reliability of the cushion.
How do I adjust a Varilite wheelchair cushion to contour to me?
How do I adjust a Varilite wheelchair cushion to contour to me?
With the cushion fully inflated and valve closed, transfer onto the cushion and open the valve by turning counter clockwise. Listen for a change in pitch and close the valve.
Are wheelchair backs easily removable so that I can fold up my wheelchair and take it in the car?
Are wheelchair backs easily removable so that I can fold up my wheelchair and take it in the car?
Yes. There is a large array of styles and brands of wheelchair, and backrests have different types of mounting brackets. Most of these simply unclip and allow the backrest to be pulled off, it simply slots back into place and is then secured using the clips once assembly is required again.
What is a wheelchair seat rigidiser and why is it used?
What is a wheelchair seat rigidiser and why is it used?
A seat rigidiser provides a firm foundation under the wheelchair cushion, enhancing stability and posture support.
Can a seat rigidiser be used with any type of wheelchair cushion?
Can a seat rigidiser be used with any type of wheelchair cushion?
Most rigidisers are compatible with various cushion types, but compatibility should be checked for each specific model.
How does a seat rigidiser affect the overall comfort of a wheelchair?
How does a seat rigidiser affect the overall comfort of a wheelchair?
It evenly distributes pressure, reducing discomfort and the risk of sores, while improving seating alignment.
Need more advice or help?
Need more advice or help?
Our team of Business Territory Managers are available to help with the selection of the correct product and trouble shooting.
Our Customer Care Team is available from 8am to 5.30pm every weekday.
Phone: 0800 31 61 81.
Aids for Daily Living
There are many different types of devices that enable people to have more independence. As everyone has a different level of ability, not all products work for everyone and some may require training to get the hang of.
Where can I see and try aids for daily living items?
Where can I see and try aids for daily living items?
Selected products are available at a range of stockists and Disability Resource Centres across New Zealand. Knowledgeable staff are on hand to help you find the right solutions and can place orders on your behalf. To locate your nearest reseller, click here.
To find your nearest reseller, click here.
Our team may also be available for demonstrations for community groups or aged care facilities. For more information, please email marketing@alliedmedical.co.nz.
Is it possible for lower value items such as daily living aids and walking aids funded?
Is it possible for lower value items such as daily living aids and walking aids funded?
Higher-priced items may be able to be funded, however, it is not very easy to get lower price items funded. It is recommend that you discuss this further with your therapist as it is possible to gain funding based on assessment.
What are the options for bathing aids?
What are the options for bathing aids?
Bath Boards
This is a device that sits across the bath and is secured in place with adjustable brackets. The surface has holes in it that allow for drainage. The three steps below simply outline how someone would use a bath board.
- Sit on the board at the edge of the bath.
- Slide towards the middle of the board.
- Transfer lower limbs into the bath (bath step can assist).
Once positioned on the bath board, this product allows flexibility in the bathing method of the user, which includes use of a shower head and the ability to lower their position into the bath.
To ensure safe use, the width of the bath board must be similar or identical to the width of the bath. Adjustable brackets are installed so they are flush with the inner sides of the bath. It is recommended to regularly check and inspect these to ensure they remain tight. These checks are important to ensure stability and safety.
Grab rails alongside the bath can also assist with transfer on and off bath boards. Some boards also have a handle built in, which should be placed on the wall side of the bath. The handle works to provide extra support while getting on and off the board.
Bath Seats – This device is positioned on the bottom of the bath and can be used to sit on while bathing. Bath seats can also be used as a support device for lowering into the bath. Bath seats usually have four suction feet that ensure firm positioning on the bottom of the bath.
Bath Transfer Bench - This device works in the same way as a bath board, however it offers more support. Two feet sit inside the bath; with suction cups to keep the device fixed in place. An enlarged handle on the side will help transfer legs in and out of the bath.
Non-slip mat – This is an essential component. The non-slip mat ensures that safe grip is maintained at all times. It is important that the mat is a similar length to the bath. It is also recommended to secure the mat in the bath prior to running the water.
Which devices should I choose for safety and support while showering?
Which devices should I choose for safety and support while showering?
Shower Seat and Stool: These products are offered in a large range of sizes and styles. The size you select depends on the size and shape of the shower you are using. Smaller sizes with a triangular seat work well in a corner shower, whereas level entry showers can be fitted with larger models.
Armrest: This product offers more support when getting on and off the seat.
Backrest: This product can be helpful if support is required due to fatigue.
Height Adjustable Legs: This product can ensure that the seat remains stable if the base of the shower curves up.
Shower Seat: This is a water & slip resistant product made from plastic that can also have holes for water drainage.
The weight of the shower chair should be considered if other people also use the shower, regular transfer of support aids may be required.
Grab Rails and Bars: Grab Rails and Bars must be strategically placed and installed by a professional. The rails are designed to provide extra support and assistance when getting in and out of the shower or bath. This product will provide increased confidence and independence.
Allied Medical has partnered with registered dealers who are experts in rehabilitation products. Please visit our Stockist Locator page for further information.
Walking Aids
There are lots of different types of wheeled walking frames & rollators – how do I know which one is best for me?
There are lots of different types of wheeled walking frames & rollators – how do I know which one is best for me?
The following explains the different pros & cons with each type of walker
Tri Walkers – This type of walker has a swiveling front wheel and two fixed rear wheels, one on each corner. The frame has handle bars; the user only needs to push the frame to walk. As this frame is completely wheeled, there is no need to lift it. These frames are easily folded and narrower than other types of walkers. A carry bag is easily accessible and the height adjustable handles make it suitable for a range of heights.
Four Wheeled Walkers – The two front wheels swivel to enable the frame to turn, while the rear two are fixed for stability. This frame has a seat incorporated which can very useful if the user needs to rest, there is also a storage bag under the seat so personal items can easily be carried. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. Four wheeled walkers are wider than tri walkers and are less maneuverable; however they provide more stability and are less likely to tip over.
Petite Walker - This is a smaller version of the four wheeled walker and is ideal for smaller clients. This type of frame has a seat which is lower than other models; this allows more stability for small clients who would like to have a seat and rest.
Bariatric Walker – This is a type of four wheeled walker, complete with seat and backrest. Bariatric walkers are a good option for larger clients who require support while walking. It can hold up to 225 kg.
Gutter Frame Walker – This is a type of walker that has forearm supports; these can assist clients who have less upper body/hand strength. This walker has a seat, basket, and four wheels. This walker works wells in a variety of environments both at home and in the community.
What features should I consider when selecting walking frames or rollators?
What features should I consider when selecting walking frames or rollators?
Wheel size: 6 inch castors work well for smaller users who are 5’2” or shorter. This size is ideal for indoor use. 8 inch castors are a good option for people who are using the walker both indoors and outdoors and are generally more active.
Folding: A folding walking frame means that it will easily fit into a small car and can be stored in a small space.
Seat: A seat on a walker can allow the user to stop and take a rest when needed. The seats are located between the handle bars and are hinged so they can be lifted to access the storage bag underneath.
Braking System: Walking frames are engineered with different types of braking systems. The most common type is a hand brake which works by squeezing the brake handles. Relatively good hand mobility is needed for this function to work, however; it is possible to use pressure through the palm to apply the brake.
Product Weight: The weight of the walker can vary significantly. Most walkers are constructed of aluminium; however walkers that are able to support a heavier user are often made of steel. Generally aluminium walkers (like the three and four wheeled models) weigh between 5 – 7 kg, and the heavy duty models range on average between 10 – 12 kg.
How do I know what size is best for me when selecting walking frames or rollators?
How do I know what size is best for me when selecting walking frames or rollators?
Walkers have height adjustable handles; these can be set up to be the most comfortable height. The Petite Walker suits shorter people with heights under 5’2”, whereas standard walkers work well for people from 5’3” upwards.
What is the ideal handle height from the ground in relation to the user when selecting walking frames or rollators?
What is the ideal handle height from the ground in relation to the user when selecting walking frames or rollators?
To get the handles of a walking frame at the right height for the user, it is more about the height of the user. When the user has their hands by their side, the hand grips should be set just above the wrist joint. This means that when using the walking frame, the user will have their elbows slightly bent but be fairly upright.
What should walking canes and sticks be made of?
What should walking canes and sticks be made of?
Most modern walking sticks are made of aluminium as it makes them lightweight and very durable. They also have height adjustability, using a telescopic design with a loaded spring to secure the stick at the desired height. Walking sticks are also available in a folding style with a variety of different patterns and colours.
Wooden walking sticks have been around for a long time and are both strong and durable; however they need to be cut to the specific height. They are not adjustable after being cut to length. If this is the type that you would prefer, it is recommended that the walking stick is cut and modified conservatively to achieve the optimum height.
What type of handle is best?
What type of handle is best?
There are a number of different handle styles – each with a different purpose.
Crook or Hook Style Handle: This is a more traditional style of walking stick handle, which is easy to hang over a chair or forearm when not in use. The handle can be difficult to grasp for clients with hand pain or discomfort. This type of walking stick is not ideal if a lot of weight is to be distributed on to the walking stick.
Standard T Handle: This is a common feature on folding walking sticks, and provides a comfortable handle. The shape of the grip allows the thumb to wrap around the front of the stick and the back of the grip allows the hand to rest on it.
Ergonomic Handle: This handle can reduce the pressure points on the hand by spreading the user’s weight across the palm. It is ideal for frequent use and users who place a lot of weight through the stick. It has a shape that is comparable to the palm of a hand. Ergonomic handles are offered in both left and right versions depending on which side is required. This is also called a Fischer Grip as it was developed by an Austrian man by the name of Dr Fischer.
Swan Neck: This term refers more to the design of the shaft rather than the handle itself. This shape means that it has an angled shaft which projects the handle forward. The design of this handle means that when the user puts weight through the handle grip, it goes straight down the cane shaft. This is in contrast to a T- Style handle which puts the weight of the user towards the back of the cane and can allow it to slip backwards when being used. The Swan Neck design is most beneficial to clients who tend to place more weight on the walking stick.
When would a quad cane be a good idea?
When would a quad cane be a good idea?
A quad cane is a type of cane that has four rubber capped feet at its base, which allows for extra support and stability. It can also be free standing which is often an advantage. This feature, however, means that quad cane walking sticks weigh more than standard walking sticks.
What are the advantages of a folding cane?
What are the advantages of a folding cane?
Folding canes are a great option for clients who always need a cane or are using it away from home and traveling. Simply collapse a folding cane and then unfold it when you arrive at your destination. Folding canes also pack easily in a suitcase or carry-on bag.
What is the right height when selecting a walking cane or stick?
What is the right height when selecting a walking cane or stick?
Getting the right height cane is really important as it will ensure the best possible stability and support. Whatever style of cane chosen; it is highly recommended that a professional properly measures and adjusts the product to suit. At the right height, it should allow the user to stand with both shoulders level. The angle of the elbow ideally should be between 25 to 30 degrees of flexion.
To achieve the right height, the user is required to stand upright with hands by his/her sides. Once in this position, the distance from the wrist to the floor provides the required walking stick length.
What do I need to consider when selecting a walking cane or stick for safety and stability?
What do I need to consider when selecting a walking cane or stick for safety and stability?
It is very important that a good sized rubber tip is placed on the end of any walking stick. It should be 1-2 inches wide in order to ensure adequate traction and safety. The rubber tips tend to become worn out over time and it is recommended to get these checked regularly and replaced once fully worn.
A variety of colors are available; such as your traditional black and brown canes, as well as floral and colorful patterned canes.
Are rollators good for balance issues?
Are rollators good for balance issues?
Yes, rollators are excellent for individuals with balance issues. They provide stable support with their four-wheel design, making them more secure than traditional walkers. Rollators also offer features like hand brakes and seats for resting, which can be particularly beneficial for those who need additional stability and occasional breaks while walking. Always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the rollator meets your specific needs.
Are rollators allowed on planes?
Are rollators allowed on planes?
Yes, rollators are allowed on planes. Airlines generally permit the transport of mobility aids, including rollators, free of charge. It is advisable to inform the airline in advance and ensure that the rollator is collapsible for easy storage in the cabin or the cargo hold. Always check the specific airline's policy to confirm any particular requirements or restrictions.
Are rollators height adjustable?
Are rollators height adjustable?
Yes, most rollators are height adjustable. This feature allows you to customize the handle height to fit your comfort and ergonomic needs, ensuring better posture and reducing strain on your arms and shoulders. Adjustable height settings make rollators suitable for users of different heights and improve overall safety and stability.
Can crutches get wet?
Can crutches get wet?
Yes, crutches can get wet, but it’s important to use caution. Most crutches are made from materials like aluminum or plastic, which can withstand getting wet. However, wet surfaces can make the crutch tips slippery, increasing the risk of falls. It’s advisable to dry the crutches and their tips thoroughly if they become wet and to use crutches with non-slip, rubber tips for better traction. Additionally, avoid using crutches on wet and uneven surfaces whenever possible to ensure safety.
Which crutches are best for non weight bearing?
Which crutches are best for non weight bearing?
For non-weight beanon-weight-bearing conditions, the best crutches from our range include the Forearm Crutches - Comfy Handle and the Elbow Crutches - Adult Tall.
Forearm Crutches - Comfy Handle:
These are ideal for long-term use and provide excellent support and
comfort with their ergonomic handles. They help distribute weight evenly and are adjustable to suit different heights.
Elbow Crutches - Adult Tall:
These crutches offer strong support for non-weight bearing needs and are also height adjustable, ensuring a proper fit for various users.
Both types are designed to offer stability and ease of use, making them suitable for those who need to avoid putting weight on an injured leg or foot.
What is the difference between a walker and a zimmer frame?
What is the difference between a walker and a zimmer frame?
A walker and a zimmer frame are essentially the same thing and are simply known by both the terms interchangeably. Walkers and Zimmer frames are very popular due to their lightweight and easily transportable frames.
Which hand should I use my walking stick in?
Which hand should I use my walking stick in?
Your walking stick should be used in the OPPOSITE side/ hand to your injured leg.
If you are using it to assist with your balance only then you should use the walking stick in your dominant hand.
What are the different types of powerchairs?
What are the different types of powerchairs?
There are 3 distinct styles of powerchair, all of which are categorised by the location of the wheels driving them. They are:
- Rear-wheel drive - the driving wheels are located to the rear of the seated position.
- Mid-wheel drive - the driving wheels are located underneath, or towards the middle of the seated position.
- Front-wheel drive - the driving wheels are located towards the front of the seated position.
Each style of powerchair offers a very different driving sensation, and different advantages/disadvantages to match in relation to the space that it requires to manoeuvre.
Over and above the range of bases with different wheel positions, there is also a wide range of seating options available on powerchairs, to cover a wide range of potential needs. These range from simple slung canvas upholstery to complex motorised seating units, allowing independent positioning of one's body while seated in the chair. For example a powered reclining action, tilt of the whole seat back and elevation of the seat to transfer or get in to cupboards.
As there is no one-size-fits-all solution, powerchairs should be viewed on a case-by-case basis. If you have any further questions regarding a powerchair, or would like to look at the powerchairs available through Allied Medical click here.
What ability do I need to operate a powerchair?
What ability do I need to operate a powerchair?
Thanks to huge developments in the electronics arena, powerchairs are now more accessible than they have ever been, and the methods of controlling powerchairs expand from year-to-year. The standard method of control is through a joystick, working on a pushing motion, where the joystick is pushed in the desired direction of movement.
If joystick operation is not a feasible means of control, we are able to harness almost any location on the body, even where movement is very minimal, to offer access to, and total control of, a powerchair, any seating functions the powerchair offers, and access to control of the surrounding environment.
Where can I take a powerchair?
Where can I take a powerchair?
We have people using powerchairs everywhere from mountain bike tracks to farmland, supermarket aisles to footpaths, and of course everywhere in an around the home.
Powerchairs are designed to cope with covering a wide range of terrain, with different models being more appropriate to traversing different surfaces and conditions.
You can assume that any powerchair will be able to cover the majority of surfaces found within your home and community, be it carpet, concrete or grass etc. Obviously, more challenging surfaces i.e. mud; require more competent chairs, of which an appropriate style chair is able to be supplied.
For outdoor environments, most powerchairs will manage a trip down the footpath to the local dairy, but for metal roads and wet sports fields, powerchairs with bigger tyres, motors, batteries and castors are required. These powerchairs tend to be wider and may not fit all home environments.
How frequently can a powerchair be used?
How frequently can a powerchair be used?
A powerchair can be used as often as you like as it is designed to be there for your assistance as little or much as you need. Charging of the batteries (view the separate FAQ on this page) is advisable to make sure you don’t get stuck on your trip out and about.
How long do the batteries last?
How long do the batteries last?
The powerchairs are supplied with batteries matched to the performance required from the chair, and as such the batteries will allow the chair to be used for the duration of the day before needing to be recharged.
Hills, user weight and tyre selection are all elements that impact on how far you can travel on a single charge. In terms of the life of the batteries, one should expect upwards of 12 months from a new set of batteries, depending on their usage and the regularity of their recharging.
How do I recharge it?
How do I recharge it?
A powerchair is supplied with a specific battery charger designed to plug into a socket, usually located on the powerchair hand controller. This charger is then plugged into a regular 3-pin 230V wall socket. The amount of time required to charge the chair will vary, but it is recommended that the chair be charged nightly to ensure a full charge each time use of the chair is required.
Can I travel in my powerchair in a vehicle?
Can I travel in my powerchair in a vehicle?
We, along with the manufacturers of many powerchairs, always recommend that it is safest for anyone using a mobility device to transfer to a vehicle seat and use the seatbelt system or child safety seat that meets the New Zealand standards.
If it is not possible to do this, then it is important for the wheelchair / powerchair to be secured to the vehicle facing forward and to use crash tested seatbelts (also attached to the vehicle) for the wheelchair seated rider.
Wheelchairs and powerchairs that have been designed and tested for use as a seat in motor vehicles are the best option. These wheelchairs comply with ANSI/RESNA WC19 which is a voluntary standard developed by safety and rehabilitation experts. Information on this testing is included in manuals that come with each product and stickers like this one are also visible the wheelchair or powerchair itself if it has been tested to this standard.
A wheelchair or powerchair which has been tested to this standard has four, crash tested securement points where tie-down straps and hooks can easily be attached. These points are clearly marked with a hook symbol.
It is important that the Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) used within the vehicle is used to secure the wheelchair and provide the occupant with a properly fitting three point lap and shoulder belt. Postural support belts that have been attached to the wheelchair / powerchair are not strong enough to withstand crash forces and are not usually positioned correctly to protect the person safely in an accident.
This must also be crash tested and labelled that it complies with the ANSI/RESNA WC18. This system used four tie down straps or hooks that attach to the wheelchair/powerchair at the securement points marked. The straps need to be tightened to remove any slack.
There are other methods of wheelchair and powerchair securement that can be used, such as a docking system. These are attached to both the mobility device and the vehicle. More information on these should be sought from the product supplier and the wheelchair/powerchair supplier as different systems have been tested with different products.
Other points to note:
- It is best to ride with the backrest of the wheelchair or powerchair positioned at an angle of 30 degrees.
- Maximise the clear space around the rider to avoid any contact with any vehicle components and other passengers in an accident.
- Check the wheelchair and WTORS regularly for any wear and tear and replace any worn components.
- If involved in an accident, check with the supplier/manufacturer if anything needs to be replaced
- A properly positioned headrest should be used to protect the head and neck from rear impact
- Remove any trays to avoid the user making contact with these and potential injury. If the tray cannot be removed, adding soft foam around the user cut-out is recommended to soften the contact point with the user.
- For more information read and follow all the manufacturers’ instructions.
Please remember that wheelchairs and powerchairs have been designed for mobility, not as seats for vehicles.
Can I take my powerchair on a plane?
Can I take my powerchair on a plane?
All airlines have their own specific regulations they adhere to and we recommend that you contact them directly for their detailed guidelines, however the following refers to general information that you may need to consider.
As a general rule, airlines will require all types of wheelchairs to be checked luggage. All powerchairs must be stowed as check-in luggage so it is important to minimise the possibility of damage during transit. We suggest you remove the seat cushions and any other parts that could easily become separated from the chair.
Also, it is probably a good idea to travel with some basic maintenance tools for your powerchair.
It is important to supply your chosen airline with as much information as possible when you make your flight booking. You may need to supply them with some or all of the following information:
- The type of mobility aid you are travelling with (electric or non-electric)
- What type of batteries are used (gel cell (dry) or wet (spill-able)
- Whether the mobility aid is collapsible
- The dimensions (height, width and length) in adjusted or disassembled state and its total weight
For best practise, always contact your chosen airlines for their specific regulations before getting to the airport.
Download our Powerchair Specifications for Flights guide here.
Read more about Travelling with a Powerchair on our blog.
What sort of ongoing maintenance do powerchairs need?
What sort of ongoing maintenance do powerchairs need?
Charging is the most essential maintenance task required of any powerchair, as without this occurring on an ongoing basis the chair will lack the power to perform at its optimum. Correct tyre inflation is also an important maintenance task, to ensure that the chair is operating in the most efficient manner without having increased resistance to battle with. This task can be carried out anywhere with access to compressed air e.g. a petrol station, bike shop etc.
Beyond that, it is important that all bearings and points requiring lubrication are checked and replenished on a frequent basis.
The seating component of a powerchair is unlikely to have any parts requiring ongoing maintenance, though if this were the case, it would be expected that advice on these tasks would be provided by the therapist/supplier at the time of delivery of such an item.
All powerchairs come with user manual. These outline specific requirements for maintenance and servicing and are generally listed in a weekly, monthly and annual servicing format.
What counts towards a powerchair's weight capacity?
What counts towards a powerchair's weight capacity?
A powerchair’s weight capacity includes the combined weight of the user and any accessories mounted to the powerchair. This does not include standard components added to the powerchair base such as seating, backs, cushions and hand controllers, however, does include additional accessories such as cup holders, portable ventilators, CPAP machine’s and holders etc. Please also note, anything temporarily added to your powerchair such as shopping a user may carry also adds to the weight limit. Activities such as weight lifting is not recommended in a powerchair unless the load of the weights does not push the limit over the total capacity.
Who can carry out maintenance on a powerchair?
Who can carry out maintenance on a powerchair?
There are a number of wheelchair technicians located throughout New Zealand, some operating independently, and some operating as a function of a bike shop or the like. They cover all of the major centres, but the majority of maintenance tasks on a powerchair can easily be performed by a range of people from bike mechanics to auto electricians and mechanics.
Click here to find one nearest to you.
What is the life expectancy of a powerchair?
What is the life expectancy of a powerchair?
It is expected that a powerchair would offer a life in the region of 5 years, where it is being used fairly frequently, but this is greatly dependent on the conditions it is subjected to, and the maintenance that is carried out on the powerchair over its life. On the flip side, it is not uncommon for a powerchair to be continuing active duty well beyond 10 years if well maintained and stored in an appropriate environment.
Can I use my powerchair in the rain/snow?
Can I use my powerchair in the rain/snow?
You can use your powerchair in the rain, however intense or prolonged exposure of your powerchair to rain (or continued dampness) can potentially cause electronic or mechanical malfunctions, as moisture can cause rust and corrosion to various parts. Damage like this would be considered wear & tear.
As part of your powerchair's maintenance you should have it examined periodically for signs of rust from water exposure or any other form of fluid exposure. Damaged components should be replaced or treated immediately.
If your powerchair has come into contact with water you should do the following steps:
- Dry your chair with a towel as thoroughly as possible
- Try to keep the chair in a warm and dry location for 12+ hours to aid with evaporation of any water in inaccessible areas
- Before using the power chair after the 12 hour drying period, test the joystick and brakes on it to ensure they are functioning correctly
- If you discover any issues with the powerchair get in touch with your local sub-contractor for support
What Quantum powerchairs are compatible to use with the EZ Lock System?
What Quantum powerchairs are compatible to use with the EZ Lock System?
The following chairs are compatible to use with the EZ Lock system.
- Quantum Q6 Edge 3
- Quantum Edge 3 Stretto
- Quantum 4Front
- Quantum RTRAK
- Quantum Q6 Edge 2.0
- Q6 Edge HD
Please note any third party modifications can affect the warranty on the product if a problem or defect is deemed to be due to the add on.
What Quantum powerchairs are compatible to use with the DAHL System?
What Quantum powerchairs are compatible to use with the DAHL System?
The following chairs are compatible to use with the EZ Lock system.
- Quantum Q6 Edge 3
- Quantum Q6 Edge 2.0
Please note any third party modifications can affect the warranty on the product if a problem or defect is deemed to be due to the add on.
What should I check daily on my powerchair?
What should I check daily on my powerchair?
- Inspect the joystick for proper function and ensure it returns to neutral.
- Check the tires for flat spots and ensure the seating, armrests, and riggings are secure.
- Visually inspect all harnesses and wires for damage.
What weekly maintenance should I perform?
What weekly maintenance should I perform?
- Inspect the controller and battery box for any signs of corrosion.
- Ensure all components are securely fastened.
- Check tire pressure and brake function on a flat surface.
How do I check the brakes on my powerchair?
How do I check the brakes on my powerchair?
With the power on, gently push the joystick forward and release. Listen for the brake clicks. Repeat this test three times in different directions.
What monthly checks are recommended?
What monthly checks are recommended?
- Ensure anti-tip wheels do not rub the ground.
- Inspect tires and caster wheels for wear or damage.
- Check the caster forks for signs of damage or wear.
How often should I have my power chair professionally inspected?
How often should I have my power chair professionally inspected?
At least once a year, bring your powerchair to a service provider for a comprehensive check.
How should I store my powerchair?
How should I store my powerchair?
Store in a dry place, away from extreme temperatures. Disconnect the batteries if not in use for extended periods. Improper storage can cause rust, damage to electronics, and reduce battery performance. Ensure regular charging if stored for long periods.
Ultra-Lightweight Wheelchairs
How heavy does a wheelchair have to be to qualify as being an ultra-lightweight wheelchair?
How heavy does a wheelchair have to be to qualify as being an ultra-lightweight wheelchair?
It must weigh less than 30 pounds – that’s 13.6 kgs in metrics. However, many are considerably lower than this and can be as light as 6 or 7 kgs.
Both lightweight and ultra-lightweight wheelchairs can feature aluminum frames. Aluminum is a considerably lighter weight metal, especially when compared to steel. Some ultra-lightweight models feature titanium frames. Although titanium weighs a lot less than other metals, it also tends to command a higher price point.
The low weight allows the user to transport their wheelchair easily and creates less impact on the shoulder for every push of the wheels. It also makes it easier to load into cars or use on public transport. By being light it makes it easier to go more places and allow the user to live a more active daily life.
Why is an ultra-lightweight wheelchair so much more expensive than a regular wheelchair?
Why is an ultra-lightweight wheelchair so much more expensive than a regular wheelchair?
As these wheelchairs are designed to be used by a more active user, they are manufactured to meet the specific needs, specifications and preferences of the person using the wheelchair. Each one is generally built as a custom wheelchair for the individual user.
As we are all different shapes and sizes, ultra-lightweight wheelchairs can easily be manufactured to provide the comfort, support and specific features individuals need.
Why would you select a fixed frame ultra-lightweight wheelchair over a folding frame?
Why would you select a fixed frame ultra-lightweight wheelchair over a folding frame?
Generally speaking, a rigid frame (one that does not fold up) transfers more of the user's energy into the forward motion than a folding wheelchair does. Another benefit of choosing a rigid frame model over a folding frame wheelchair is that rigid frames tend to provide a smoother ride. Since they don’t fold down, there are fewer moving parts, which means there’s less jostling on the road.
The primary advantage of a folding chair, however, is portability. Fixed frame wheelchairs can also become pretty compact too, as they generally have “quick release” wheels as a standard option and once removed can really reduce the transport size and weight of the wheelchair.
Why would you consider having suspension added to your ultra-lightweight wheelchair?
Why would you consider having suspension added to your ultra-lightweight wheelchair?
Suspension makes for a considerably smoother ride which can be a real saviour for wheelchair users who suffer from chronic pain. The trade-off in ride quality is with weight (shocks add a kilo or two) and price (higher).
How do you decide what wheels to choose for a Ki Mobility ultra-lightweight wheelchair?
How do you decide what wheels to choose for a Ki Mobility ultra-lightweight wheelchair?
There are also lots of options for wheels and tyres, including innovations for performance, off-road traction and high style. Where and how you are going to be using the wheelchair will impact what will work best for you. It also depends on your ability to push your wheelchair. One popular option is the Spinergy wheel. These wheels are a high performance line of wheelchair rims that are lightweight and also stay true to their shape.
Paediatric Products
What needs to be considered when selecting a standing frame for a child?
What needs to be considered when selecting a standing frame for a child?
Standing frames are designed for children who are spending most of their days in a wheelchair or buggie and assist in fulfilling their mobility and standing needs. Your child’s therapist will work with you to determine what your child needs and what the goals will be for them when using a standing frame.
Some things that you might like to consider are:
- How easy is it for my child to transfer into it?
- What position will work best for them – to be on their front (prone), on their back (supine), upright or a combination of these?
- Can the angle easily be adjusted when they are in it?
- How much growth is there for them?
- Is it able to be transported so we can bring it home from school in the weekends and/or holidays?
There are several main types of Standers:
- Dynamic/Multi-position – enables children with conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, who are unable to stand and walk independently, to come into a safely supported upright position. They are able to switch from supine to prone or upright standing very quickly – without using any tools. They allow the child to be at eye level with their peers, helping to facilitate social interactions.
- Prone Standers – these are mobile standers (generally with four castors) that support the child at the front and offer a continuous range of angles so that the best position for the child can be achieved. They encourage weight-bearing and assist children in gaining the ability to stand.
- Supine Standers – also mobile, these standers work well for children who don’t have the strength or ability to lift or control their head and shoulders. This style allows for partial weight bearing and helps the child develop better control of their head, trunk, pelvis, knees and feet. It also leaves the child’s hands free to access items on a tray or table in front of them.
- Vertical standers – like the name indicates, holds the child upright. It is suited to children who are not confident on their feet or are developing lateral weight shifting skills. These work well to develop trunk strength and also promote independent, upright standing.
Why is standing important for children and teenagers?
Why is standing important for children and teenagers?
There are lots of ways that children with disabilities benefit from standing including the following:
- increases bone density and reduces the risk of fractures
- stretches muscles, preventing the onset of contractures
- improves respiration and voice control
- enhances circulation and blood pressure
- aids digestion, bowel function and bladder drainage
- facilitates the formation of the hip joint in early development
- improves skin integrity by relieving pressure encountered during sitting
- improves wellbeing, alertness and sleep patterns
My child needs more support when toileting - what are the options?
My child needs more support when toileting - what are the options?
Essentially there are two different types of toileting options for children with disabilities – either stand alone commode style toileting systems or ones that can be attached to a regular toilet.
The commode style is generally easy to move and can be easier for children to transfer on and off. Many of these can also be used as a shower chair and are really easy for carers to use. They can be placed over the toilet or a removable commode bucket can be used.
Toilet support systems attach easily to a regular toilet. They are adjustable, secure and provide good positioning while the child is using the toilet. They help encourage independence and as many have padded seat options, ensure that the child is comfortable especially if it takes longer than usual.
Can we trial the paediatric wheelchairs shown on this website?
Can we trial the paediatric wheelchairs shown on this website?
Yes - all that is needed is a trial request to come through from a therapist to start the process. Once the trial request has been received, with the specifications required, we will send the wheelchair out to the therapist ready to trial for at least one week.
Can we trial other paediatric equipment shown on this website?
Can we trial other paediatric equipment shown on this website?
Yes - all we need is a trial request to come through from a therapist that you are working with. Once we have this and the specifications you require, we will send the equipment out to the therapist and they will have it for you to trial for at least one week.
Any of the Toileting or Bathing items are issued for trial on the basis of "Dry Trial". This means that the item can be set up on the toilet or in the bath but not actually used with water. Many people use our trial equipment and we need to ensure that it stays in a clean and safe condition.
There are lots of paediatric wheelchair and buggie options – where do I start?
There are lots of paediatric wheelchair and buggie options – where do I start?
Good question – and one that we know your child’s therapist will help you with. However, we know that lots of parents and carers like to do their homework, so here are a few things to consider when looking at mobility options for your child:
How much support do they offer? Seating supports are often incorporated into buggies and wheelchairs to ensure that kids have good postural support and are also really comfortable.
Rear facing or front facing? Like regular buggies, it is good to have the option for your child to be facing you, which allows you to keep a close eye on them.
What is the overall size? The actually width of the buggie or wheelchair is important as you want it to easily fit through doors and let you go to the places that are part of your life.
How much do they weigh? Depending on the age of your child, it is likely that you will be transferring them into a car seat when you go out and will need to lift it into your vehicle. Looking after your body is really important too.
How easily do they fold up? How small do they go? Think about the space you have in your vehicle and also that you made need to do this several times a day – and in the pouring rain sometimes too!
Is there a storage compartment? A small thing that makes a big difference – a place to put spare clothes, food and nappies is important. If a storage compartment or bag is not standard, then check to see if there is an easy way for a baby bag to be attached.
What are the options if I need to also transport other children? Some buggies have the option of adding on a buggie board that older children can stand on, while others have the option of having mounting brackets added for a baby capsule. If this is something that you will need, make sure you discuss the options with your therapist.
And of course, kids grow so you need to consider one that has a good amount of growth incorporated in it – it’s better to start with one that is a little on the large side, than one that is a little snug. It’s quite the process to get equipment funded so you ideally want it to last as long as possible.
Once we decide upon the paediatric wheelchair our child is going to use, how long will we need to wait until we receive it?
Once we decide upon the paediatric wheelchair our child is going to use, how long will we need to wait until we receive it?
Once the funding comes through, standard wheelchairs like the Karma Flexx Junior Paediatric wheelchair is generally held in stock and delivery to the therapist will be within 2 - 3 days. If the wheelchair is going to be custom made, it might take up to six weeks from the time we receive the order from the funder until it is delivered to the therapist.
How does the FAS Buckleguard work?
How does the FAS Buckleguard work?
Caregivers and parents need to follow these simple steps;
- Place the FAS Buckleguard over the buckle, the large slot sits directly on top of the buckle's red release button.
- Buckle the seat belt, placing the tongue through the slot. The seat belt buckle is then secured, and cannot be unfastened by the passenger.
- To unfasten, press a key through the slot and push on the buckle's red release button.
Do I need to complete an application form before purchasing an FAS Buckleguard for my child?
Do I need to complete an application form before purchasing an FAS Buckleguard for my child?
While in the past this we requested a form was completed, as per the standards forRestraint of children with disabilities, or medical conditions, in motor vehicles - AS/NZS 4370:2013, no form is needed, however, a letter from the user's prescriber needs to be kept in the vehicle where the seat belt restraint is used.The letter should outline the medical condition/disability reason why the Buckleguard has been prescribed as a seat belt restraint. We recommend the same process for adult users.
Who should use a FAS Buckleguard?
Who should use a FAS Buckleguard?
A buckleguard is useful for children who are able to escape from car safety harnesses and may endanger themselves or others in a vehicle by doing so.
What company supplies the FAS Buckleguard?
What company supplies the FAS Buckleguard?
We distribute the FAS Buckleguard in New Zealand on behalf of Buckleguard Pty Ltd, a family business, (second generation now!). You might have previously known them as FAS Therapeutic Equipment, Australia's first paediatric equipment provider. FAS was established in 1991 and quickly grew to become one of Australia's most well-known and friendly equipment supplier to kids with disabilities and additional needs. They work with early intervention centres, schools, hospitals, therapists and individual clients and families to provide customised and fitted solutions so that all kids can be free to be kids!
Bracing and Supports
Where can I see and try on the different braces and supports?
Where can I see and try on the different braces and supports?
Since many of the products we sell need to be prescribed by a physiotherapist or fitted by an orthotist, we recommend you discuss this with a specialist first. However, if you already know what you need, you are welcome to buy directly from us through this website. If you need additional help, our Customer Care Team are on the phones every weekday - you can email them (click here) or phone them on 0800 31 61 81.
We do not have a store or showroom and therefore if purchasing through our website you are unable to see the product first. We do however accept exchanges and returns for items that have not been used and are still in their original packaging.
How can I purchase the braces and supports shown on the website?
How can I purchase the braces and supports shown on the website?
If you know exactly what it is that you are after, you can purchase many items directly through our website.
Some items must be prescribed by an orthotist ormedical professional and will show POA instead of a price. For these products, please chat to your physiotherapist, orthotist or a medical professional about how you can be prescribed and fitted for the item.
Will ACC pay for the cost of braces and supports?
Will ACC pay for the cost of braces and supports?
If you require the product due to the result of an accident, you may be able to have this item covered by ACC. We recommend that you discuss this with your ACC Case Manager first. We are unable to charge ACC for any products unless we receive a purchase order from them.
What type of hernia will Comfort-Truss work for?
What type of hernia will Comfort-Truss work for?
Comfort-Truss is designed for reducible inguinal hernias only.
Should I wear the Comfort-Truss while sleeping at night?
Should I wear the Comfort-Truss while sleeping at night?
We do not recommend wearing the Comfort-Truss while sleeping.
Should I wear the Comfort-Truss Under My Underwear?
Should I wear the Comfort-Truss Under My Underwear?
Yes, it was deigned to be worn under your underwear against the skin. This will give the best support, and also allow you to keep it on at all times throughout the day, even while using the toilet.
How do I wash the Comfort-Truss?
How do I wash the Comfort-Truss?
Hand wash only, luke warm water, mild detergent, air dry out of direct sunlight. Do not put any Comfort-Truss products in a washing machine.
Does Comfort-Truss work for women, and how do I know which size to get?
Does Comfort-Truss work for women, and how do I know which size to get?
Yes, comfort-Truss does work for women too. We have many five star reviews from women. Since women's bodies are much different than mens, to make sure you get the correct size, you should measure low around the waist, above the wide point of the hips, about 1 inch above the top of the pubic bone. Then you can match that measurement to the corresponding waist size on the size chart.
Should I get a double sided Comfort-Truss Hernia Belt even though I only have a hernia on one side?
Should I get a double sided Comfort-Truss Hernia Belt even though I only have a hernia on one side?
This really comes down to personal preference. For me (George) personally I only wear the single sidebecause I really do not like having to wear anything “extra” than what is absolutely necessary, but there are plenty of people who think along these lines and wear a doubleeven though they only have a hernia on one side. It definitely will not hurt to do it that way. Just keep in mind that the double belt is a bit more bulky because of the extra leg strap and the wider pad in the front to cover both sides.
How do I measure for the correct Comfort-Truss fit?
How do I measure for the correct Comfort-Truss fit?
Use your pants waist size to match to the guide below.
Since women's bodies are shaped much different than men's, you will not be able to go off of your pants size. Take a measurement low around the waist about 1" above the ridge of your pubic bone. Match that to the guide below to get the correct size.
Pants Size (inches): 28-31"
Pants Size (cm): 71-79cm
Pants Size (inches): 32-35"
Pants Size (cm): 81-89cm
Pants Size (inches): 36-39"
Pants Size (cm): 91-99cm
Extra Large
Pants Size (inches): 40-43"
Pants Size (cm): 101-109cm
Can I wear Comfort-Truss belts when swimming?
Can I wear Comfort-Truss belts when swimming?
Yes, you can wear all Comfort-Truss products swimming, however, do not soak the belt for long periods of time to clean it. Usually, just running it under cool water, and then squeezing the excess water out is enough to get it clean.
Mobility Scooters
Where do I start when buying a Mobility Scooter?
Where do I start when buying a Mobility Scooter?
Mobility Scooters are designed for people who have some mobility but find it challenging to walk for any length of time or distance. There is a wide range of mobility scooters available in New Zealand and it’s important that if you are looking to purchase one, you find one that meets your specific needs – as one size doesn’t fit all!
We have a blog that can help give you some guidance when selecting a Mobility Scooter, click here to view our blog.
How do I choose the right scooter for my height and weight?
How do I choose the right scooter for my height and weight?
Each scooter has a clear list of the manufacturer’s specifications. Make sure that you compare weight capacities for each scooter you are considering. You also need to consider the overall length of the scooter based on your height. If your height is less than 5’5”, you should consider scooters that have an overall length of 1050 mm. If you are taller than 5’5”, it’s likely you’ll need more leg room so look for larger models that will ensure a comfortable ride.
Can I try before I buy?
Can I try before I buy?
Absolutely – like a car, you need to know how each possible option feels like to drive. All reputable dealers will offer a no obligation trial at your home, which allows you to test drive it in the environment that you will be using it in. Another option is to visit your local shopping mall and try one of the rental ones that they have available.
When testing different models make sure that the controls are easy to see, reach, grip and use for long periods.
Are there any ongoing maintenance costs for a scooter?
Are there any ongoing maintenance costs for a scooter?
Like a car, we suggest regular maintenance between every six to twelve months, depending on how often you use your scooter and how far you drive it. Batteries and tyres are the two parts that do need replacing. Specific replacement timeframes for these depend on how much the scooter is used and if it is charged regularly whilst following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
How do I charge a scooter?
How do I charge a scooter?
Each scooter comes with a battery charger that plugs into the electrical socket in the wall and then plugs into a charging point on the scooter. It is very easy to do - just ask to be shown this as part of your scooter demonstration.
Are there scooters that I can travel with or take in the car?
Are there scooters that I can travel with or take in the car?
There are a number of scooters that can easily fold up or disassemble for transport – either in a car or to take on a plane. Generally these are a smaller style of scooter which may not be suitable if you are a larger person.
What is the difference between a scooter and a powerchair?
What is the difference between a scooter and a powerchair?
Please see the table below, which outlines some advantages of using a powerchair or scooter.
Advantages of powerchairs
- Are more compact
- Have a smaller turning radius so are easier to manoeuvre in small spaces
- Mid wheel drive powerchairs turn on their own radius so allow the user to get very close to spaces like the table or kitchen bench
- Can be driven with very limited strength and hand function
- Have built in capacity to traverse obstacles and rougher surfaces
- Can be driven with just one hand
- Can be more easily configured, including different programming, to better suit an individual’s needs
Advantages of mobility scooters
- Tiller provides stability
- Have more capacity to carry more items such as groceries
- Can feel more stable
- Easier to immobilise (lock) if you want to leave it outside a shop/house while not in use
- Smaller scooters are easily transportable and easier to dissemble than a powerchair
- Generally lower cost
Do you need to have a driver’s license to drive a mobility scooter?
Do you need to have a driver’s license to drive a mobility scooter?
No - you don’t need to have a license to drive a scooter and in fact it is really common for many people to start using scooters when they lose their license due to old age or ill health. It is important to ensure you are driving safely and if you have visual, perceptual or learning difficulties, you should seek medical advice before considering purchasing a scooter.
Can I get funding to help me purchase a mobility scooter?
Can I get funding to help me purchase a mobility scooter?
You can apply to the Lotteries Grant Scheme for Individuals with Disabilities to request a grant to purchase a mobility scooter (or powerchair). These fixed amount grants can then be used to purchase a mobility scooter of your choice. Click here to go to the Lotteries website where you can complete the form. Our dealers are also very familiar with this form and will be able to assist you in completing it in case you get stuck.
Is there anywhere that I shouldn’t take my mobility scooter?
Is there anywhere that I shouldn’t take my mobility scooter?
Scooters are not generally designed to be taken off road or to the beach. Sand, water and excessive mud have the potential to damage the motors and gears and also will void any warranties.
Also be aware that slopes, kerbs and rough ground can make your scooter unstable. Make sure you know what it can handle and also be aware of how well balanced you are when driving.
What happens if my mobility scooter breaks down when I am out and about?
What happens if my mobility scooter breaks down when I am out and about?
We recommend all Mobility Scooter users have an AA Roadside Assist membership or equivalent. This ensures that if something goes wrong, one of their team (or a subcontractor) will get you and your scooter home safely.
A final word of advice – once you have purchased a scooter, make sure that you get it insured to cover it against theft, accidents and third-party claims. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Where can I buy replacement batteries for my mobility scooter?
Where can I buy replacement batteries for my mobility scooter?
We hold stock of commonly used batteries. Please email helpis@alliedmedical.co.nz or call 0800 31 61 31 with the battery type you need along with the mobility scooter model and one of our team will be able to advise price and stock availability. If we are unable to supply the required battery you can also contact Battery Town, a nationwide supplier of batteries for our scooter range.
How do I choose between a Mobility Scooter and Powerchair?
How do I choose between a Mobility Scooter and Powerchair?
Both mobility scooters and powerchairs offer freedom and independence, but the best choice depends on your specific needs and abilities. Mobility scooters are ideal if you have good upper body strength, stability, and plan to use the scooter mainly outdoors or for carrying items like groceries. They tend to be more affordable, have a greater range, and are easier to immobilise and transport.
Powerchairs, on the other hand, are better if you have limited hand or upper body strength, need more manoeuvrability in smaller spaces, or require more customisation for comfort and support. They can also handle rougher surfaces and obstacles more easily.
We recommend discussing your needs with a healthcare dealer, who can guide you further and even provide options to trial at home.
Read more here.
Do I need to have a drivers licence to use a mobility scooter in NZ?
Do I need to have a drivers licence to use a mobility scooter in NZ?
In New Zealand, you do not need a driver's licence to operate a mobility scooter. These devices are legally classified as 'wheeled mobility devices' and are exempt from registration and warrant of fitness requirements.
However, there are important guidelines to ensure safety:
Footpath Use: When a footpath is available, you must use it and travel at a speed that does not endanger others.
Road Use: If no footpath is accessible, you should keep as close as possible to the edge of the roadway.
Considerate Operation: Always operate your mobility scooter in a careful and considerate manner, being mindful of pedestrians and other road users.
For comprehensive information on the legal requirements and safety recommendations for mobility scooter users, refer to the NZ Transport Agency's guidelines.
Emergency Evacuation
What are emergency evacuation aids?
What are emergency evacuation aids?
The emergency evacuation aids are used by carers to quickly evacuate a patient in an emergency situation.
What is the benefit of a carer using an emergency evacuation aid?
What is the benefit of a carer using an emergency evacuation aid?
When lifts are not accessible or a patient is unable to move quickly and easily in an evacuation situation, these products ensure a swift but safe and comfortable moving of the patient.
What is your range of different emergency products?
What is your range of different emergency products?
Our emergency evacuation product range caters to many different types of patients with differing needs. This includes options for smaller patients up to bariatric patients. Evacuation mats that can be used in unique situations ensure the patient is as comfortable as possible when they are moved. With all the evacuation mats, the patient can be moved without any need for a transfer. All evacuation mats have the appropriate handles and grips for carers to lift the patient safetly and easily. All aids ensure the patient will be secure and in the correct position at all times, with the use of buckles and grips.
What are the most important things to consider when purchasing an evacuation product?
What are the most important things to consider when purchasing an evacuation product?
When choosing an evacuation mat it is important to consider your own mattress to see whether a permanent evacuation sheet or overlay would be suitable.
When choosing a lifting cushion, consider both the seat and back support designs to decide which would offer you the most suitable support.
Bodypoint Positioning
Which Bodypoint hip belt size / type should I order?
Which Bodypoint hip belt size / type should I order?
Bodypoint padded hip belt part numbers put you in control for a more reliable belt fit.
Sizing is shown in the charts below. You can easily tell the webbing width and padded length from looking at the size code (e.g., M46).
Webbing width for all padded hip belts:
- Small = 2.5cm (1") wide webbing
- Medium = 4cm (1-1/2") wide
- Large = 5cm (2") wide
The padded length (the part of the belt that is up against the body in front of the chair) is indicated by the numeral after the webbing size. For example, an HB205-M46 has 1-1/2” wide webbing and a total padded length of 46cm.
Padded hip belt sizing
How to measure for a Padded Hip Belt
To ensure proper fit and best performance, always select the padded belt size that best fits the user. When working with the Evoflex, consider adding Belt Extenders if longer straps are needed to reach the desired mounting point (see below).
Determine the correct belt size for the user: Click here.
Additional instructions for the Evoflex®
Determine total length needed for mounting: Click here
Two-Point and Four Point Padded Hip Belts
Click to see how to determine the mounting point and angle
Click to see how to determine the total padded length you need
Now you can select the belt size that most closely matches what the user needs.
End Fittings
Choose desired end-fitting, then add suffix -B1 or -B2 to the end of the part numbers.
Cinch-Mount™ (-B2)
Allows quick, easy and precise adjustments to strap length for changes in weight and clothing
Flat-Mount™ (-B1)
Versatile, lowest profile
As before, A1 is a Flat-Mount™ + FrameSaver™ clamp, A2 is a Cinch Mount™ + FrameSaver™, B1 is the Flat-Mount™ only, and B2 is the Cinch-Mount™.
What is the difference between front-pull and rear-pull for Bodypoint hip belts?
What is the difference between front-pull and rear-pull for Bodypoint hip belts?
These terms relate to tightening the top straps on our shoulder harness and Stayflex products. Front-pull (pulling the adjustment straps forward) would be useful if the user can adjust the top straps herself, or if a caregiver wanted to maintain eye contact with the user while the adjustment was being made. Rear-pull (pulling the adjustment straps backward) separates the attachment point from the user and is ideal for thicker backrests and some children.
What is a Flat-Mount /Cinch-Mount on Bodypoint hip belts?
What is a Flat-Mount /Cinch-Mount on Bodypoint hip belts?
Flat-Mount and Cinch-Mount are types of end-fitting hardware that attach products to wheelchairs. Flat-Mount™ end fittings are triangular pieces of heat-treated nickel-plated steel that have a slot through which to weave the webbing and then you use the provided steel slide to adjust the webbing tension. Cinch-Mount end fittings function like cam buckles, in which you open the cover then feed the webbing through and then close the cover to lock the webbing in place, a more secure means of grasping the webbing.
What is a FrameSaver Clamp on a Bodypoint hip belt?
What is a FrameSaver Clamp on a Bodypoint hip belt?
A FrameSaver clamp is a nylon clamp that fits around the tubing on a seat rail and creates a mounting point without having to drill into the seat rail.
Can I use a Bodypoint shoulder harness on a sling back chair?
Can I use a Bodypoint shoulder harness on a sling back chair?
No, Bodypoint shoulder harnesses with top straps need a rigid or hard backrest for attachment since they have to be screwed into the backrest. However, our upper body support options for sling back chairs include our Monoflex, Chest Belt and Universal Elastic Strap.
How do I choose the correct size for a Bodypoint hip belt?
How do I choose the correct size for a Bodypoint hip belt?
Sizing details, including measuring instructions for postural supports, are included in our Bodypoint Product Guide.
How can you clean the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support?
How can you clean the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support?
The Dynamic Arm Support can be cleaned by wiping with a disinfectant or a cloth soaked in warm water and soap. Dry with a towel or air dry. The Hand Strap can be machine washed at 60°C, tumble dry at low temperature or drip dry.
What type of wheelchairs will the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support fit?
What type of wheelchairs will the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support fit?
The Dynamic Arm Support has been designed to fit most manual wheelchair and powerchair models. We have a variety of mounting solutions for tubular armrests and flat armrests. You will need to know the brand of powerchair (if not an Allied Medical brand) or the tube diameter of the tubular armrest. It is advised to use the Dynamic Arm Support with height-adjustable armrests to get the best fit. In most cases, you will also need to remove the existing armrest pad. We do not recommend trying to mount to a swing-away tubular armrest.
Can I change from a right to a left Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support without much issue?
Can I change from a right to a left Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support without much issue?
If you have ordered the wrong sided product, we can help you modify the base board to accommodate the opposite side. However, you will need to purchase or exchange the hand block.
Is there a Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support assessment kit available for purchase for therapists?
Is there a Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support assessment kit available for purchase for therapists?
Yes. You can purchase a full assessment kit that includes all parts, mounting hardware for a variety of wheelchairs and all four sizes of the hand block. It allows you to do any needed configuration of sizes and left and right. Please chat to our Customer Care Team if you are interested in ordering one.
Are there different shapes or styles of the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support hand block?
Are there different shapes or styles of the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support hand block?
Currently, Bodypoint only have the one shape of hand block. However, are aware of multiple requests for different styles, and they have confirmed they may have them in the future
Does the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support come in different sizes?
Does the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support come in different sizes?
The base system is one size, but you will have to select the correct size of the hand block. It comes in a small and large size. The small fits a hand that is a maximum of 10.5 cm long, measured from the first knuckle of the middle finger.
What kind of clients can benefit from the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support?
What kind of clients can benefit from the Bodypoint Dynamic Arm Support?
It is best to have clients assessed by a therapist, however, as a guide the arm support is generally beneficial for clients with neurological impairment of one upper extremity. Diagnoses might include stroke (CVA), ALS, MS, and brachial plexus injury.
Bamboo Brace
What is the Bamboo Brace?
What is the Bamboo Brace?
The Bamboo Brace is a paediatric elbow brace that was developed over the years of providing physical therapy to children with cerebral palsy and other developmental challenges. The Bamboo Brace assists children in maintaining a more extended position at the elbow during activities so that both gross and fine motor skills are easier to perform, learn and repeat. Although it controls the amount of bending at the elbow joint it also allows for some flexibility with its unique design.
Depending on the size ordered, each Bamboo Brace contains either 4 or 5 flexible and interchangeable support stays. You choose which stay to use depending on the desired resistance.
How is this brace different than others on the market?
How is this brace different than others on the market?
Here is what makes The Bamboo Brace design unique:
• Depending on the size ordered, each Bamboo Brace contains either 4-5 interchangeable stays that offer different amounts of resistance – the therapist or caregiver can choose which stay to use depending on the child’s needs.
• It is a snug fit that can easily be worn under clothes.
• It has a non-slip surface to minimize misalignment.
• Each size of the brace accommodates for growth.
• It is affordable.
The Bamboo Brace is a favorite amongst therapists and caregivers since it addresses these issues and provides optimal performance.
How do I put The Bamboo Brace on my child?
How do I put The Bamboo Brace on my child?
The Bamboo Brace is easy to apply, with its snug fit design. After selecting the desired stay and placing it through the slit on the interior of the brace, straighten out your child’s arm and place the stay area of the brace directly on the inside of the arm at the elbow joint where the elbow naturally bends. The center of the brace is positioned where the elbow bends and the brace is divided evenly above and below the elbow joint. Secure the brace by attaching the Velcro tab(s) and adjusting the fit as necessary to keep the brace from sliding up or down or rotating around the arm. Although The Bamboo Brace can be applied snugly be cautious not to impede the circulation by applying it too tightly around the arm. Colour or circulatory changes in the hand and fingers are an indication that the brace may be applied incorrectly.
Who can benefit from the Bamboo Brace?
Who can benefit from the Bamboo Brace?
• Any child who has a predominant flexion (bending) pattern at the elbow that is slowing motor development.
• Any child who is unable to bear weight through their arms or support themselves for crawling and other developmental motor activities.
• Any child with a progressive neurodegenerative disease.
• Any child who presents with spontaneous hand movements or incessant hand mouthing.
• Any child who has recently had surgery on the head, neck and face to keep them from removing sutures or bandages and damaging the surgical site.
A list of some common diagnoses for which The Bamboo Brace is helpful:
Cerebral Palsy
Developmental Delay
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Low muscle tone
Autism and Pervasive Development Disorder
Down Syndrome
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Rett Syndrome
Post-surgical patients: cleft palate, plastics, ear/nose/throat, and dental
Sensory Processing Disorder
Brachial Plexus Injury
Can I use The Bamboo Brace for Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) for my child with hemiplegia?
Can I use The Bamboo Brace for Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) for my child with hemiplegia?
Bamboo Brace believe the biggest strength of the brace is when it is used dynamically to assist with alignment and inhibition of flexion patterns while allowing for the desired muscle groups to fire during function with the affected side. Preventing most of the flexion but still allowing 15-30 degrees, or a bit more as needed by the child for enhancing both weight-bearing transitions in all ages as well as bi-manual activities in children with hemiplegia.
However, there have been questions from parents and therapists who want to put the most rigid stay in the brace, wrap the unaffected hand and use it on the unaffected side as the actual constraint. Bamboo Brace do not believe this is the best way to use the brace and it is most recommended for whichever constraint system being used to constrain the unaffected elbow at 90 degrees. Since The Bamboo Brace enhances elbow extension we would generally not recommend it as the restraint for the unaffected side in children with hemiplegia.
When used on the affected side, however, it does a wonderful job of reducing most of flexion synergy at the elbow so that gains can be made at the shoulder and trunk. In more moderate kids when used during CIMT treatment, It is believed that it allows more quality shoulder and trunk reps without nearly as much synergy interference and frustration. Then like any good tool, remove it and try to foster the same reps unbraced. Its a great, easy to use home program adjunct for parents that can be applied as frequently as recommended by physical and occupational therapists.
When used on the affectedside, however, it does a wonderful job of reducing most of flexion synergy at the elbow so that gains can be made at the shoulder and trunk. In more moderate kids when used during CIMT treatment, It is believed that it allows more quality shoulder and trunk reps without nearly as much synergy interference and frustration. Then like any good tool, remove it and try to foster the same reps unbraced. Its a great, easy to use home program adjunct for parents that can be applied as frequently as recommended by physical and occupational therapists.
Why is The Bamboo Brace in learning motor skills?
Why is The Bamboo Brace in learning motor skills?
With cases of flexor spasticity (bending) at the elbow, The Bamboo Brace allows children to learn how use the separate joints of the arm and trunk individually without as much interference from unhelpful elbow patterns. As children learn to control each joint separately their freedom of motion, strength, and function improves as well as their ability to bear weight through their arm(s). This makes activities like rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking more possible.
In children with low muscle tone, decreased strength or the inability to bear weight through their upper extremities on their own for whatever reason, The Bamboo Brace helps to provide the stability at the elbow joint. This stability is essential in weight bearing and the development of gross and fine motor skills as listed above.
What are some other popular use of The Bamboo Brace other than helping children to learn motor skills?
What are some other popular use of The Bamboo Brace other than helping children to learn motor skills?
The Bamboo Brace’s flexibility makes it a superior choice to more rigid braces and restraints because it still allows children use of the extremity while still preventing unwanted interaction with the head, neck, face and mouth for a variety of situations such as:
• Pre and post-surgery to help keep children from disturbing oral prosthetics, facial sutures, incisions and removing IV’s without completely limiting upper extremity use.
• For Rett Syndrome and other diagnoses where mouthing and hand wringing often causes skin breakdown.• Keeping younger children who are having difficulty learning to wear hearing aides or eyeglasses from spontaneously removing them.
What is Dynamic Elbow Bracing?
What is Dynamic Elbow Bracing?
Dynamic elbow bracing is the motor therapy technique of placing a stiff, yet flexible enough brace on the arm to help improve elbow angles so that children with disabilities with have an easier time learning and reaching motor milestones. From treatment experience, dynamic elbow bracing means that the brace is helping the elbow move in and out of positions along with the child being active in the process. If the movement process is active and dynamic this means the combination of the child and the brace working together produce functional results that matter.
It may sound obvious, but the key is making sure the brace is ‘dynamic’ meaning that it can flex and bend to some degree and can be adjusted to the needs of the child. The opposite of course is a “static” brace that is placed around the elbow joint in a fully extended position and prevents any kind of movement or natural bending of the elbow. Static braces might help align the elbow for motor skill development but they do not allow the child to repeat the necessary joint movement and muscle contractions to actually learn the movement. Static braces passively position the elbow in straighter angles but they are too stiff to allow the child to fire the necessary muscles during motor learning.
With a dynamic and flexible product like The Bamboo Brace the child actively strengthens muscles in the upper and lower arm, by producing the muscle power necessary to learn rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking.
What are some ''motor skills'' my child can improve on by using The Bamboo Brace?
What are some ''motor skills'' my child can improve on by using The Bamboo Brace?
• Rolling (stomach to back and back to stomach)
• Sitting using the more extended arm(s) as needed to help prop and bear weight for play, eating and daily skills
• Two handed play and assisted play
• Hands and knees, crawling and kneeling
• Transitioning to ½ kneeling and standing (pulling up at furniture and stair climbing)
• Cruising (sideways walking) along furniture and household objects
• Hand-held walking and using assistive devices such as walkers and push toys
• Independent walking (will free up core muscles for rotation and balance)
• Assistive climbing for accessing park and playground equipment
• Bike riding, racket sports and other age appropriate play that requires two hands out front
Should The Bamboo Brace be worn over clothing or directly on the skin?
Should The Bamboo Brace be worn over clothing or directly on the skin?
Although The Bamboo Brace can be worn over clothing, the non-slip surface on the inside of the brace is more effective when it is in direct contact with the child's skin.
How tight should The Bamboo Brace be worn?
How tight should The Bamboo Brace be worn?
Once the stay area is in place, wrap the brace around the arm and Velcro securely. The Bamboo Brace should be snug enough not to slip up and down the arm but should not be so tight that circulation is impaired and there are colour changes evident in the hand and fingers.
Can The Bamboo Brace be used on both arms at the same time?
Can The Bamboo Brace be used on both arms at the same time?
Yes. The Bamboo Brace is used both unilaterally (1 arm) and bilaterally (2 arms) and usually depends on the specific diagnosis and situation of each child.
Children with spastic diplegia and quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy often use one Bamboo Brace on each arm during treatment and for periods during the day when they are working on motor skills that require elbows to be more extended.
It is also common for children who have lower muscle tone, muscle weakness and instability such as those with Down syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder and other genetic and metabolic diagnoses to use The Bamboo Brace on both arms at the same time.
The Bamboo Brace is often used on both sides when children are healing from head, neck, facial and dental surgery or self-stimulate orally such as with Rett Syndrome.
How do the flexible stays work and which should I start with?
How do the flexible stays work and which should I start with?
The included stays increase in stiffness from 1 to 5 (or 4 depending on brace; The higher the number the more rigid the stay). Bamboo Brace recommend starting with stay #3 and adjusting the flexibility of the brace as needed. Once in place begin monitoring your stay selection for effectiveness. It is recommended that the brace be stiff enough as to straighten the elbow toward more extension, however flexible enough so that the child can overcome it as needed to use for fine motor play and daily skills. The goal is to prevent dominant flexion patterns at the elbow of 90 degrees or more and instead restore a more relaxed position of about 30 degrees of elbow flexion during motor activities.
Can I use multiple stays in The Bamboo Brace at the same time?
Can I use multiple stays in The Bamboo Brace at the same time?
Yes. The sleeve where the stay is located is designed to be able to fit multiple stays if your child's situation calls for it. It is generally recommended that you keep the brace more dynamic and flexible as opposed to more rigid, however, sometimes the combination of more than one stay woks excellent.
Can I use The Bamboo Brace without a stay?
Can I use The Bamboo Brace without a stay?
Absolutely! Sometimes just the material of the brace can prevent unhelpful elbow flexion. In children with more mild forms of cerebral palsy and many children with genetic and sensory diagnoses that have low muscle tone without spasticity, you may be able to progress to not wearing a stay in The Bamboo Brace. As always, the general guideline is to keep children from flexing the elbow more than about 70 degrees while in weight bearing positions.
How do I wash and care for The Bamboo Brace?
How do I wash and care for The Bamboo Brace?
Do not machine wash or machine dry The Bamboo Brace. It is recommended that you hand wash your Bamboo Brace with the stay removed in warm water and mild soap. Be sure to rinse thoroughly and remove all detergents and cleaning agents that may be irritant to your child's skin. After washing, The Bamboo Brace should be left to air dry and should not be worn until it is completely dry.
Does The Bamboo Brace contain latex, phthalates or lead?
Does The Bamboo Brace contain latex, phthalates or lead?
No. The Bamboo Brace is FDA approved and complies with the Consumer Product Safety Information Act (CPSIA) of 2008. The Bamboo Brace is BPA-free, lead-free and phthalate-free.
My child has frequent mouth to hand movement, if I stop her from doing that she gets stressed. Will wearing The Bamboo Brace increase her stress level?
My child has frequent mouth to hand movement, if I stop her from doing that she gets stressed. Will wearing The Bamboo Brace increase her stress level?
This is a difficult question to answer because each child is different and very unique. Of all the braces on the market, The Bamboo Brace is the only one that actually allows some bending and use of the elbow without completely making the arm too rigid and stiff. The channel on the brace can hold multiple pieces of the plastic supports, so we recommend working over the course of a few weeks in determining just the resistance that allows good function while preventing the unwanted behaviors.
Has anyone ever tried the Bamboo Brace as a knee extension device for toddlers? I currently have a child on my schedule with extremely low tone, and global delays. He is able to stand for short periods with minimal support but his right knee tends to buckle
Has anyone ever tried the Bamboo Brace as a knee extension device for toddlers? I currently have a child on my schedule with extremely low tone, and global delays. He is able to stand for short periods with minimal support but his right knee tends to buckle
Although it is not promoted as much as being used for the elbow, it has been used for LE's with fantastic success in kids under 4-5 with the M and L sizes.
Much like the elbow's relationship with the shoulder, having the knee controlled (yet still dynamic) allows fantastic strengthening to occur at the hip, trunk and ankle. The most common mistake is keeping it too rigid. Just enough plastic to allow some knee flexion then allow the brace to assist your patient with an ''active-assistive'' repetition then another and so on.
The principle (keeping the brace dynamic and responsive with movement) is very similar to how The Bamboo Brace has been so effective for children with Down Syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and similar low toned genetic conditions when used on the elbow. The children can actually gain strength while wearing the brace, we just don't see that wit very many orthotics but its what separates effective from ineffective bracing.
Portable Grab Bars
How much weight will a Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bar Hold?
How much weight will a Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bar Hold?
The average healthy, adult human can generate about 60lbs of pull strength using their own power. That same average, adult human’s fingers generally straighten out or release at about 80lbs of pull pressure due to the sheer force on the digits. The Single Grip Portable Grab Bar has been tested to hold up to roughly 200lbs of Pull Pressure
** Test surface .25 Acrylic
What makes Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bars the best?
What makes Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bars the best?
Bridge Medical designed and engineered their Portable Grab Bars from the ground floor up – actually consulting with Occupational and Physical Therapists as well as Orthopedic Surgeons during the design phase. This research led to a phenomenal, Patented design that not only works great, but looks great in any bathroom decor.
I’ve noticed that the rubber pads seem thicker and stronger than some other suction handles I’ve seen being sold in some catalogs. How are they different?
I’ve noticed that the rubber pads seem thicker and stronger than some other suction handles I’ve seen being sold in some catalogs. How are they different?
The key to safety, stability and hold strength lies in the composition of the rubber. The 4.7” diameter, ¼ inch thick pads are made of the strongest, most expensive natural, vulcanized rubber in the world. They are the strongest and most reliable on the market today. There are other Grab Bars on the market that claim to be strong, but many of them are assembled with suction pads made of cheap, soft PVC plastic material that cannot hold more than a few pounds of pull pressure.
Where can I use my Portable Grab Bar?
Where can I use my Portable Grab Bar?
At home, when traveling (these fit great in a suitcase or purse!) or anywhere you can attach our suction pads to a smooth, flat, non-porous surface. Our Portable Grab Bars are great for use on fiberglass and acrylic tub and shower surrounds, porcelain, ceramic, Glazed Tiles, Corian, Cultured Marble, and Glass (to name a few). Use it for a balance assist on the vanity or attached to the counter in the kitchen or while seated at a large table.
What is the diameter of the suction pad?
What is the diameter of the suction pad?
Suction Cup Diameters range from 4.7” for the BC201 (Single Grip), BC500 (Telescoping Grip) and BC400 (Telescoping Pivot Grip). Our BC600 (4” Tile Grip) is our only Portable Grab Bar with a 3.7” Suction Cup Diameter and is specifically made for 4” Tile configurations.
Will the suction damage my shower surround?
Will the suction damage my shower surround?
No. Unlike permanent grab bars that require drilling holes into your tub and shower surround, locating studs and many times, hiring a contractor, Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bars install without tools and will not damage your tub/shower surround. Best of all, they come down and go up anytime you choose.
Will these Portable Grab Bars work on tile?
Will these Portable Grab Bars work on tile?
Yes, Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bars will hold securely to most smooth, flat non-porous tiles. The hold will sometimes diminish on natural stone and porous tiles.
Please note: The Suction Cups must not overlap with grout lines and the minimum tile size is 5 inches for our BC201, BC500 and BC400 models. The minimum tile size is 4” for our BC600 models.
Caution: You should always verify that the tiles you are attaching to are firmly attached to the wall board and not loose or in disrepair.
Can I use the Portable Grab Bars on drywall or wallpaper?
Can I use the Portable Grab Bars on drywall or wallpaper?
Our Portable Grab Bars are not recommended for use on drywall, wall board, wall paper, wood paneling, plaster or any other porous surface when being used for safety or support of a human. While they may appear to hold for a short time, the suction will diminish quickly and may not provide the necessary pull strength when you need it.
How long will the suction hold?
How long will the suction hold?
On a smooth, flat surface, the suction vacuum will hold for a very long time – sometimes even months. But, because all surfaces have a different porosity, customers should periodically remove and reset the Portable Grab Bar every few weeks or as needed, to ensure that the hold is secure.
Can these Portable Grab Bars get wet?
Can these Portable Grab Bars get wet?
Yes, Bridge Medical Portable Grab Bars were designed for use in the tub and shower. All inner components are made of non-corrosive materials and will not rust.
Will these Portable Grab Bars work underwater?
Will these Portable Grab Bars work underwater?
If attached correctly to a smooth, non-porous surface, the suction will work underwater for short periods of time. The suction hold may be diminished underwater, so further care should be taken regarding use.
What is the length of the actual hand hold area on your Portable Grab Bars?
What is the length of the actual hand hold area on your Portable Grab Bars?
The BC201 Single Grip offers a hand hold area of roughly 4 inches.
The Telescoping Handles (4” Tile Grip, Telescoping and Pivot Grips) offer lengths that range between 6-19 inches.
Is there a weight limit to the SitnStand?
Is there a weight limit to the SitnStand?
The SitnStand Classic's weight limit is 264 lbs – 120 kg.
Does the SitnStand require a closed electricity socket?
Does the SitnStand require a closed electricity socket?
No. The SitnStand operates with a unique lithium battery. The battery needs to be charged every 4-7 days. Charging the battery takes approximately 4-6 hours. It is recommended to charge the battery overnight, when the SitnStand smart, portable chair lift assist is not in use.
Is the SitnStand suitable for pressure ulcers (pressure sores)?
Is the SitnStand suitable for pressure ulcers (pressure sores)?
The first model of the SitnStand is targeted toward people who do not have a high risk of pressure ulcers. SitNStand are currently working on a model that will address this need.
Is there a SitnStand with a waterproof cushion?
Is there a SitnStand with a waterproof cushion?
The SitnStand’s cushion is sealed to protect against air and water, but its fabric cover is not
waterproof. If, however, your cover does get soiled or wet, it can easily be removed and washed.
The SitnStand is not
to be used in a bathroom or shower area.
Is the SitnStand suitable for use in a wheelchair?
Is the SitnStand suitable for use in a wheelchair?
The SitnStand Classic is not designed for use with a wheelchair. There is a wheelchair verison of SitnStand found here.
Quantum TRU Balance 4
What Quantum powerchair bases can I get the TRU Balance 4 (TB4) on?
What Quantum powerchair bases can I get the TRU Balance 4 (TB4) on?
Currently TB4 is available on the Stretto, Edge 3, and the 4Front 2.
Does the TRU Balance 4 (TB4) system need to be ordered as a complete system (tilt, recline, elevation, anterior tilt and memory seating); Can I order just tilt and recline with memory seating?
Does the TRU Balance 4 (TB4) system need to be ordered as a complete system (tilt, recline, elevation, anterior tilt and memory seating); Can I order just tilt and recline with memory seating?
The system must be ordered as an entire TB4 power positioning system. This includes power tilt, recline, and AFP, iLevel/seat elevation, anterior tilt, and memory seating. Power tilt, recline, and AFP, and iLevel/seat elevation can only be ordered separately on a TB3 power positioning system.
Is the TRU Balance 4 (TB4) system WC19 compliant?
Is the TRU Balance 4 (TB4) system WC19 compliant?
The TB4 system has been tested and verified as WC19 occupied transit compliant for all units it is available on.
Can I do TRU Balance 4 (TB4) memory seating with a switch box?
Can I do TRU Balance 4 (TB4) memory seating with a switch box?
Yes, the memory positions can be added to the basic switchbox, the iAccess box, or any mapped IO system (i.e., keys, mode, etc.)
Can I program a different switch as a latch for one of my memory seating profiles with TRU Balance 4 (TB4)?
Can I program a different switch as a latch for one of my memory seating profiles with TRU Balance 4 (TB4)?
Any memory number can be latched. When that is done it will latch the forward and reverse positions, they cannot be separated. Therefore, the entire memory seat profile (i.e., memory profile 1) will be latched for forward and reverse commands.
What options does the consumer receive with TRU Balance 4 (TB4) memory seating?
What options does the consumer receive with TRU Balance 4 (TB4) memory seating?
There are up to 8 positions that can be set. There are four memory slots, but each offers a forward and reverse command, which allows for a total of 8 memory functions.
What is the difference between anterior tilt and transfer position?
What is the difference between anterior tilt and transfer position?
Anterior tilt limits the footplates from hitting the ground. Programming a transfer position will allow the consumer to have a dedicated position for transfers so the footplates can go all the way to the floor. We recommend the footplates not be placed on the floor, and that there is a space between the footplate and the floor.
Can I configure a TRU Balance 4 (TB4) system without getting anterior tilt? (i.e. if the therapist just wants the memory seating feature?).
Can I configure a TRU Balance 4 (TB4) system without getting anterior tilt? (i.e. if the therapist just wants the memory seating feature?).
The system will include a complimentary 10° of anterior tilt that is not required for use by the consumer if it is not wanted/needed. There are seat presets in the system that do not include the anterior tilt functions that can be activated through programming and will allow anterior tilt not to show up in the system, yet memory seating will still function.
What do I order if I only need tilt and recline?
What do I order if I only need tilt and recline?
TRU Balance 3 (TB3) will be the power positioning system to order if the team wants tilt and recline only.
Can the attendant control operate the memory seating parameters of TRU Balance 4 (TB4)?
Can the attendant control operate the memory seating parameters of TRU Balance 4 (TB4)?
Yes, the attendant control will operate all power seat functions, including the memory seating positions. When the attendant control is active, the seating screen on the QL3 display will show the seat function and/or the attendant can look at the lights on the attendant joystick for seat function. The memory seating functions are displayed on the attendant control via the number of blinking seat functions (i.e., one for memory one, two for memory two, etc.).
Is there a plan in the future to offer anterior tilt without seat elevation on Quantum powerchairs?
Is there a plan in the future to offer anterior tilt without seat elevation on Quantum powerchairs?
No, not at this time. The seating system must elevate in order to prevent the AFP from striking the floor.
What is anterior tilt?
What is anterior tilt?
Anterior tilt is a power seating function that changes the angle of the wheelchair seat in the sagittal (anteroposterior) plane where the rear aspect of the seat is higher than the front. This facilitates an anterior pelvic position and places the person in a partial weightbearing stance. This position may benefit the consumer medically/physiologically, psychologically, and/or functionally.
How can anterior tilt benefit an individual medically/physiologically?
How can anterior tilt benefit an individual medically/physiologically?
Anterior tilt of the pelvis can elongate the spine, open up the rib cage and may have a positive impact on respiratory capacity/health, the ability to take a deep breath and achieve a productive cough to clear secretions. Anterior tilt may aid ineffective chewing (alignment of the mandible), swallowing, digestion, and bowel function, as it can minimize compression of the internal organs often found when sitting with a posterior pelvic tilt. For some individuals, an anterior pelvic tilt may promote pelvic floor relaxation and allow the vagus nerve and bladder to do their jobs. With increasing anterior tilt angle, there is greater weight bearing on the long bones of the legs (tibia and femur), which may help slow bone loss.
How can anterior tilt benefit an individual psychologically?
How can anterior tilt benefit an individual psychologically?
A neutral to anterior pelvic tilt position facilitates spinal alignment, allowing the head to sit naturally on the cervical spine and minimizing the amount of energy expended to maintain a horizontal eye gaze, which may promote social interaction. An upright seated posture can maintain self-esteem, promote a positive mood, and help build resilience to stress. Alternating between sitting and standing positions increases the release of hormones like serotonin, which is a mood booster.
How can anterior tilt benefit an individual’s functionality?
How can anterior tilt benefit an individual’s functionality?
The “ready to work” position occurs when the pelvis shifts anteriorly, facilitating trunk and lower extremity extension, or co-activation for increased stability and weight bearing proximally to promote movement and function distally. Anterior tilt shifts the individual to the front edge of the wheelchair base, which may allow them to get closer to the tasks they need to carry out. Anterior tilt may facilitate safer and/or more independent sit-to-stand and sit/squat-pivot transfers due to the biomechanical position of the individual with the shoulders over the knees over the feet position.
Are there clinical criteria for an individual to be considered a candidate for anterior tilt use?
Are there clinical criteria for an individual to be considered a candidate for anterior tilt use?
The person would benefit from assistance due to impaired trunk control to complete reach needed to perform functional activities they want/need to perform(with appropriate positioning straps as needed). The person has the necessary range of motion in their lower extremities in order to utilize anterior tilt safely and properly. The person can tolerate the more upright body posture the anterior tilt seating function places them into. The person can tolerate the partial weight bearing the position will place them in. The person has the functional need for the position to achieve mobility related ADL’s.
Are there physical contraindications/cautions to using anterior tilt?
Are there physical contraindications/cautions to using anterior tilt?
Yes, since the anterior tilt is increasing weight bearing through the lower extremities and increased pressure from the potential secondary devices (knee blocks), a medical professional should make the judgement call as to whether anterior tilt is appropriate. If someone has not done any weight bearing for a long time, they could have bone density issues. This could lead to a fracture or broken bone occurring with use of anterior tilt, so clearance by a qualified healthcare professional should be sought out before trying anterior tilt.
If an individual has not achieved a more upright posture since their diagnosis, injury or in a long time, then their blood pressure should be monitored while using anterior tilt. Anterior tilt could potentially cause a drop in blood pressure which can cause an individual to pass out. If their blood pressure starts to drop and they get lightheaded, then the team should lower them into a posteriorly tilted posture as quick as possible until their blood pressure is stable again, then bring them back to an upright seated posture again.
If a consumer has restrictions in lower extremity range of motion (tight hamstrings, tight heel cords in particular) then a clinician should check that the individual has the range of motion needed to properly utilize anterior tilt.
For individuals that do not have the accessory muscles for respiration, and use a diaphragmatic breathing method, anterior tilt may be contraindicated as it could reduce abdominal pressure. An abdominal binder may minimize this risk.
Can I setup a memory seating profile that takes my client into a specific anterior tilt or transfer position but then hide anterior tilt in their seating menu, so they don’t accidentally push it forward themselves when in their tilt screen?
Can I setup a memory seating profile that takes my client into a specific anterior tilt or transfer position but then hide anterior tilt in their seating menu, so they don’t accidentally push it forward themselves when in their tilt screen?
You can set positions in memory and hide the anterior tilt seat function but hiding anterior tilt will also hide the posterior tilt function as well. Posterior tilt and anterior tilt are the same function and cannot be separated. When coming out of posterior tilt the system will stop once 0° (the neutral position) is achieved. An additional command is required to go into anterior tilt. The user must return the input device to a neutral position, then provide another forward command (on the tilt screen) to go into anterior tilt. This prevents the individual from going into anterior tilt accidentally while coming out of posterior tilt.
How to take care of your Ribcap?
How to take care of your Ribcap?
Hand Washing Method:
1. Prepare the Basin:
- Start by filling a basin or sink with lukewarm water.
- Add a mild detergent, steering clear of harsh chemicals like bleach.
2. Submerge and Agitate:
- Gently submerge your Ribcaps into the soapy water.
- Give it a gentle agitating motion to help remove dirt and stains effectively.
3. Soak and Rinse:
- Allow your Ribcaps to soak for a few minutes, letting the detergent work its magic.
- After soaking, carefully rinse your Ribcaps under cool, running water to remove all detergent residues.
Spot Cleaning Method:
1. Soapy Sponge or Cloth:
- Opt for the spot cleaning method by using a sponge or cloth soaked in soapy water.
2. Gentle Scrubbing:
- Gently scrub the soiled areas with the soapy sponge or cloth, targeting specific stains.
3. Rinse with Care:
- Rinse the cleaned areas with clean water, ensuring no soap residues remain.
1. Lay Flat and Pat Dry:
- Lay your Ribcaps flat on a clean towel.
- Gently pat them to remove excess water, being mindful of the delicate materials.
2. Air Dry Naturally:
- Allow your Ribcaps to air dry naturally. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or artificial heat sources.
*Important Reminder: Do Not Machine Wash:*
It's crucial to avoid machine washing or tumble drying your Ribcaps, as this could potentially damage the materials.
Can I use a Ribcap with hearing aids?
Can I use a Ribcap with hearing aids?
Ribcap's design focuses on providing protection for the head, particularly against impacts and abrasions. While wearing a Ribcap, you should be able to use a hearing aid simultaneously. The material is typically flexible and should not interfere with the placement or function of a hearing aid.
How long does the button battery in the smart key last?
How long does the button battery in the smart key last?
If it is a new button battery, it will last about 1~2 years. If a low battery icon appears on the display, it means the battery of the smart key is low, please refer to the instruction manual and replace the battery.
If I don't use Model C2 or F for a long time, should I remove the battery from the device?
If I don't use Model C2 or F for a long time, should I remove the battery from the device?
When storing for more than a month, remove the battery from the device and fully charge it before storing.
Charge the battery at least once a month to make sure the device works properly.
Also, when reusing this device that has not been used for a long time, be sure to charge the battery and check the device operates normally and safely before using it.
How much can the storage basket of Model C2 be loaded?
How much can the storage basket of Model C2 be loaded?
The load capacity is 6 kg (20 LB).
The storage basket can be used by attaching it under the seat.
Can I have physiotherapy such as microwave therapy while sitting on a Model C2/F?
Can I have physiotherapy such as microwave therapy while sitting on a Model C2/F?
You can, but make sure you turn off the device and remove the battery before receiving the treatment. If the device is turned on or the battery is inserted, it may cause the device to be unable to operate correctly due to electromagnetic interference or radio frequency interference.
For details, please refer to the "EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)" section of the user manual. You can reduce the influence of electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference by putting the removed battery into aluminum cooler bag.
Is there a reclining function or tilt function?
Is there a reclining function or tilt function?
We feel sorry to say that we do not have a reclining function or tilt function.
Can the device be disassembled even with the footplate adapter attached?
Can the device be disassembled even with the footplate adapter attached?
It can be disassembled.
The brakes are applied when the controller is released, but how long does the brakes and gears wear or consume?
The brakes are applied when the controller is released, but how long does the brakes and gears wear or consume?
There is no wear or consume on the brakes and gears.
It is controlled by the motor that stops when the controller is released.
How many walking stick holders can be attached to Model C2?
How many walking stick holders can be attached to Model C2?
Up to two can be installed.
It can be attached to either the left or right side.
Can the app be used on devices without internet access?
Can the app be used on devices without internet access?
You can use the app without an internet connection.
However, you must be connected to the internet when you log in.
When I operate Model C2 with the controller on the device, it can reach to the highest speed, but while I move it with the controller on the app (on the smartphone screen), it can't reach to the highest speed. Is it broken?
When I operate Model C2 with the controller on the device, it can reach to the highest speed, but while I move it with the controller on the app (on the smartphone screen), it can't reach to the highest speed. Is it broken?
From the viewpoint of safety, all controls on the app (operations on the smartphone screen) are set to 2km / h regardless of the speed setting and mode.
I can't find WHILL app on iPad App store.
I can't find WHILL app on iPad App store.
The search range may be "iPad only".
Change the search range to "iPhone only" and try again.
Please change to Filter → Support → "iPhone only" displayed in the upper left of the App store.
If you search for "WHILL" again, the app will be displayed.
Error code list for Model C2
Error code list for Model C2
If something went wrong with the unit, an error will be displayed on the controller. The lists below give a quick guidance of the error codes.
- For detials, please refer to the attached files.
- If you see an error that is not on the list and the solution does not resolve the issue, please contact your dealer or WHILL.
Error code list for WHILL found here.
Can only one tire be replaced?
Can only one tire be replaced?
If you have been using it for a while, we will recommend to replace the both sides of the tires at the same time due to the tire wearing.
Is it possible to adjust the hardness when raising and lowering the foot support?
Is it possible to adjust the hardness when raising and lowering the foot support?
It can be possible to adjust it.
Please contact us.
Can the seat cushions be washed?
Can the seat cushions be washed?
Yes, it can be washed.
You can remove the cover to wash, but hand wash for cushion body.
How do I unlock Model C2 if I lose smart key?
How do I unlock Model C2 if I lose smart key?
It can be unlocked with the app.
A gravel got caught in the front wheel (Omni wheel).
A gravel got caught in the front wheel (Omni wheel).
Normally, it will come off naturally if you are driving.
If you can see something caught on the outside of the front wheel (Omni wheel), you can try taking it out by yourself. However, do not use force or damage the inner mechanism.
If it does not improve, please contact us.
Should my WHILL require Maintenance, what should I do?
Should my WHILL require Maintenance, what should I do?
WHILL Personal EVs contain no user serviceable parts. Do not attempt to replace or repair any parts (including the batteries–Model A and Model M* only). Any service should be done by a WHILL-authorized service representative.
Our WHILL warehouse stocks finished goods and spare parts. All parts ship next day upon receipt of order.
To clean your WHILL Personal EV, wipe with a wet cloth or rag. Only use water, and scrub vigorously to remove scuffs/stains from the plastic covers.
*Please note: As of March 1, 2019, Model M sales have been discontinued.
Replacing Tires:
- Tires should only be replaced by a WHILL-authorized service representative.
- Check tires regularly for signs of wear as directed below and contact WHILL Customer Support for assistance.
- Tire replacement intervals will vary depending on the frequency and conditions of use.
- Tires should not produce unusual noise or vibration when they rotate.
- Check the rear tires for signs of wear or damage. Rear tires should have no visible deformation or flat spots.
- Check the omni-wheels for signs of wear or damage. The rubber thickness on the rollers should not be less than 3mm
Can I take a WHILL Model C2 / F on an airplane?
Can I take a WHILL Model C2 / F on an airplane?
WHILL Model C2/Ci2 & F/Fi rechargeable lithium-ion battery has been tested on UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Part 3 Subsection 38.3 and certified to meet the applicable ICAO, IATA and FAA requirements. However, WHILL Model C2/Ci2 & F/Fi power chairs have not been specifically tested for air transport.
Please refer to the attached files in the right sidebar.
Airlines require measures to ensure accidental activation of Model C2/Ci2 & F/Fi does not occur. You must remove the Li-ion battery from the device prior to handing the device off to airline personnel.
For additional information, most airlines have resources and services for individuals needing additional assistance while traveling. Here are links to popular domestic airlines accessibility services website pages:
Please contact your airlines for questions and additional support.
TENS Machine
What is a TENS machine, and how does it work?
What is a TENS machine, and how does it work?
A TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machine is a portable device that uses mild electrical impulses to relieve pain. It works by sending these low-frequency electrical currents to the users nerves, which can disrupt pain signals and promote the release of endorphins, your body's natural painkillers.
What conditions can a TENS machine help with?
What conditions can a TENS machine help with?
TENS machines are commonly used to manage various types of pain, including back pain, arthritis, muscle pain, labour pain and postoperative pain. They can also be helpful for conditions like sciatica, menstrual cramps, and neuropathy. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if TENS is suitable for your specific condition.
Is TENS painful?
Is TENS painful?
TENS should not feel painful and if pain is felt the user needs to ajust the settings or stop using the devise. The user should set the intensity at a level that is strong, but tolerable. It may feel like a tingling, buzzing, or muscle-twitching sensation. As the user grows accustomed to the feeling, they may be able to increase the intensity.
Are there any side effects associated with TENS therapy?
Are there any side effects associated with TENS therapy?
TENS therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated. However, some individuals may experience minor side effects like skin irritation or muscle twitching during use. These effects are usually temporary and can be minimised by following the recommended settings and guidelines. If a user experiences persistent discomfort or has concerns about side effects, they should consult with a healthcare professional.
How do you clean a TENS machine?
How do you clean a TENS machine?
The device can be cleaned by wiping gently with a damp cloth moistened with mild soap and water. Never immerse the device in water or other liquids.
Wipe lead wires with a damp cloth as above if they become soiled.
How should you store a TENS machine?
How should you store a TENS machine?
To properly store the device for an extended period of time, remove the battery from the unit. Put the unit and accessories in a carrying case and store in a cool, dry location.
Where can I find the PSI on a Karma Tyre?
Where can I find the PSI on a Karma Tyre?
The is located on the side wall of the tyre.
Will removing the pushrims on a Karma Flexx HD wheelchair impact the user weight limit of the chair?
Will removing the pushrims on a Karma Flexx HD wheelchair impact the user weight limit of the chair?
Yes, it absolutely will. Karma Medical and Allied Medical Ltd do not recommend removing the pushrims from a bariatric wheelchair with them on as standard.
Can Attendant Brakes be fitted onto the Karma Flexx Transit Wheelchair?
Can Attendant Brakes be fitted onto the Karma Flexx Transit Wheelchair?
No, they can only be fitted onto self-propelling wheels.
Are the footrests on the Karma Agile Wheelchair height adjustable?
Are the footrests on the Karma Agile Wheelchair height adjustable?
Yes it is adjustable. The Agile is slightly different to adjust compared to others in the Karma range. You will need to remove the bolt connecting the chair to the footrest in order to adjust the length.
Is it possible to put a rigid backrest on the Karma VIP2 Tilt and Recline Wheelchair?
Is it possible to put a rigid backrest on the Karma VIP2 Tilt and Recline Wheelchair?
Yes, this is possible. The back upholstery will need to be removed and then you can add a backrest. The backrest would then need to be removed to fold the wheelchair.
How do Varilite cushions work?
How do Varilite cushions work?
Air in a Varilitecushion supports the load, while foam keeps the air where it’s needed and preserves the cushion shape.
How is the cushion adjusted properly?
How is the cushion adjusted properly?
For both Pressure Setting Valve (PSV) and standard valves, begin with the cushion fully inflated and valve closed. Transfer onto the cushion.
For a PSV, turn the valve clockwise until the pre-determined number appears in the indicator window. Air will escape until the valve automatically shuts off (approximately 10-15 seconds). Once the valve has shut off the release of air, close the valve by turning it clockwise. See PSV Operating Instructions for more information.
For a standard valve, slowly turn the valve counterclockwise to release the air. Listen for a change in pitch and close the valve by turning clockwise. Air level is determined by the amount of support or stability needed by the user, comfort, and activity level. See Seating Systems instructions for more information.
Why do some seat cushions have an indentation?
Why do some seat cushions have an indentation?
The cushion is designed to indent in the sacral-ischial area. The soft, less firm foam of the sacral-ischial area, by design, exerts less “push back” on the cushion fabric than the surrounding firmer foam. See Sacral-Ischial Foam Indentation Explanation for more information.
Will a 16” x 18” cushion fit in a 17” x 18” chair?
Will a 16” x 18” cushion fit in a 17” x 18” chair?
No. Select the cushion that is 1” larger. For example if you wheelchair seat size is 17” x 18”, select an 18 x 18 cushion. The cushion will accommodate the 1” size difference without affecting its performance.
How do I maintain my Varilite seating system and back support?
How do I maintain my Varilite seating system and back support?
We recommend that you leave the valve open and allow your VARILITE cushion to fully inflate overnight at least once a week to maintain optimal cushion performance and foam integrity. Check your cushion’s inflation level daily to ensure optimal seating and positioning.
What is the weight capacity for Varilite seat cushions?
What is the weight capacity for Varilite seat cushions?
Size Capacity
(Inches) (lbs)
12x8 250
12x12 300
12x14 325
14x14 400
14x16 450
16x16 500
16x18 575
17x17 575
18x16 575
16x20 650
18x18 650
20x16 650
18x20 725
20x18 725
20x20 750
22x18 750
22x20 750
24x18 750
24x20 750
Is there any latex in Varilite cushions or covers?
Is there any latex in Varilite cushions or covers?
No, there is not.
The plastic ridge above the knee pads bar on the Leckey Freestander is digging into the child's skin. Is there a solution?
The plastic ridge above the knee pads bar on the Leckey Freestander is digging into the child's skin. Is there a solution?
Leckey recommends 1-inch knee spacers behind the PU cups. Then there won't be contact on the ridge. You can then adjust the knee plate forward to compensate for any loss of flexion.
There are no longer prone belts on the Leckey Horizon Stander script. What should be scripted for the prone position?
There are no longer prone belts on the Leckey Horizon Stander script. What should be scripted for the prone position?
For prone you will need to script the correct sized hip lateral instead of a prone hip belt.
Can you get a tray with a bowl on the Leckey Seating Systems?
Can you get a tray with a bowl on the Leckey Seating Systems?
Leckey do not supply any trays with bowls for their seats as there is no room to fit one between the tray and the user.
Is it possible to make the Leckey PAL Seat sit higher?
Is it possible to make the Leckey PAL Seat sit higher?
Unfortunately not. Currently, Leckey do not supply leg extenders for the PAL Seat and another seating solution will be needed if a child needs to be sitting higher.
Can Stealth Headrests be used on Leckey Products?
Can Stealth Headrests be used on Leckey Products?
Yes, they be attached the Leckey Horizon Stander and the Leckey MyGo Stander. Please chat to your Technical Product Specialist or call us on 0800 31 61 81 for more information.
What is the hip/leg abduction on the Mygo Stander?
What is the hip/leg abduction on the Mygo Stander?
As this product is not a true abduction stander, it can allow for approximately 10 degrees of abduction standing. In order to achieve this, move the knee cups and sandals out to their widest pint.
What is the hip/leg abduction on the Horizon Stander?
What is the hip/leg abduction on the Horizon Stander?
As this product is not a true abduction stander, it can allow for approximately 10 degrees of abduction standing. In order to achieve this, move the knee cups and sandals out to their widest pint.
What is the length and width of the Squiggles Plus standing frame?
What is the length and width of the Squiggles Plus standing frame?
The chest support height (distance from footplate to armpit) has a minimum length of 560 mm and a maximum length of 940 mm.
The hip support height (distance from the footplate to the mid-buttock) has a minimum length of 400 mm and a maximum of 640 mm.
The chest / Hip width has a minimum length 160 mm and a maximum length of 230 mm.
What are the differences between the Leckey Ankle Huggers and the Ankle Wraps?
What are the differences between the Leckey Ankle Huggers and the Ankle Wraps?
From a Clinical perspective, there is no significant functional difference between these two options. Differences are largely aesthetic and personal choice of the user and their families.
Ankle Huggers may be more practical when other footwear ie. AFOs, Orthotic boots is required. The ankle wraps can fit onto Leckey sandals for a more uniform appearance.
Can Leckey products be wiped down with V Wipes?
Can Leckey products be wiped down with V Wipes?
These are safe to use on metal and plastic parts, but recommend you don't use them on harnesses or cloth coverings.
Are the Special Tomato Soft-Touch Liners compatible with Firefly products?
Are the Special Tomato Soft-Touch Liners compatible with Firefly products?
No, unfortunately, these are not compatible.
Are Firefly products latex free?
Are Firefly products latex free?
Firefly understand that many kids are allergic to Latex and therefore take great care to ensure that all Firefly products are Latex free.
Does the Firefly GottaGo have a headrest?
Does the Firefly GottaGo have a headrest?
No, the stability offered by the squat position alleviates the need for a headrest, even for children with poorer head control.
How do I know if my child has potty-training potential and could use the GottaGo Seat?
How do I know if my child has potty-training potential and could use the GottaGo Seat?
When it comes to children with additional needs, toilet training can understandably get pushed down the list of priorities. However, your child's potty-training potential could be much more than you realise, and there are so many reasons to consider it including building independence and reducing UTIs and constipation.
Worried that your child isn't showing any signs of awareness? That's okay, this is very normal; the nappies these days are so comfortable they reduce the signs of awareness making things trickier for your child. However, research has shown that a lack of awareness doesn't mean a lack of readiness, and it does not mean that you shouldn't give it a try!
Children with disabilities just require a different approach to training. With the right knowledge, skills and support, toileting skills can improve, and the GottaGo Toilet Training Programme is designed to guide you through the process, step-by-step.
The Splashy is sometimes too wide to fit in some bathtubs. Are there any solutions?
The Splashy is sometimes too wide to fit in some bathtubs. Are there any solutions?
Re-position the suction cups: The suction cups don't necessarily need to be placed in the corners. Try repositioning them to see if it helps with fitting.
Adjust the suction cups: Unscrewing the suction cups slightly can lengthen them, which might assist in making the Splashy fit better.
How do I maintain my Firefly product?
How do I maintain my Firefly product?
To ensure your Firefly product lasts as long as possible, routine maintenance is essential. Regularly clean and dry the product, check for any loose parts, and make sure all safety features are functioning correctly. This will help prevent mould and keep the product in excellent condition.
What type of prosthetic foot is Meracus and what features does it offer?
What type of prosthetic foot is Meracus and what features does it offer?
Meracus is a Dynamic Response prosthetic foot. The key features include: excellent shock absorption and energy return, outstanding flexibility, fluid motion from heel to toe and great adaptability to any terrain.
What does the fitting procedure for Meracus look like?
What does the fitting procedure for Meracus look like?
Meracus, like other prosthetic feet, is fit and aligned by a qualified prosthetic clinician. With its low build height and flexibility, Meracus is designed to be adaptable to most lower extremity prosthetic components. Like other dynamic response feet, proper foot category selection along with bench and dynamic alignment are key to unlocking the full potential of the Meracus foot.
How do Meracus adapt to various surfaces?
How do Meracus adapt to various surfaces?
The Meracus foot has superior multiaxial function thanks to it split keel design that is coupled to a dynamic shaped heel/toe plate that is split from heel to toe. Our design considerations enhance adaptability of the foot:
- Roller shape: Facilitates easy adaptation to various environments, providing excellent stability on flat surfaces, inclines, and uneven ground.
- Extended heel: By providing and enhancing the stable base provided by the foot, the extended heel adds versatility for various walking speeds and activities.
- J-shape keel: Improves shock absorption and energy return throughout the gait cycle.
- Full split heel/keel: The split heel and keel provide excellent multiaxial function allowing the foot to act in a way that mimics the natural movement of a human foot.
- The pyramid attachment: Allows Meracus to be connected via standard pyramid components and offers a full range of adjustability in both M/L and A/P directions.
What materials are used in Meracus?
What materials are used in Meracus?
The Meracus (patent pending) design is pure composite from the J shaped keel to the composite rivets that join heel plate to the keel. Meracus is a unique blend of two composite materials, carbon fiber and fiberglass. These two composite materials are combined in a way that maximizes function, ensures consistent performance, and durability.
Can Meracus accommodate any amputation level?
Can Meracus accommodate any amputation level?
Meracus is designed to be adaptable to most lower extremity prosthetic components and is appropriate for all levels of amputation provided that there is the required space for the Meracus and foot cover. See selection chart for the specific build height for each size.
Dictus Band
What is a Dictus Band?
What is a Dictus Band?
A Dictus Band is an orthotic aid designed to assist individuals with foot drop by lifting the foot immediately after toe-off during walking. This action helps reduce the risk of tripping over obstacles such as thresholds, carpet edges, and uneven surfaces, improving mobility and confidence.
What are the different types of Dictus Bands available?
What are the different types of Dictus Bands available?
Dictus Original – A discreet aid for both children and adults. It consists of a leather ankle strap fastened with Velcro and a soft rubber band that attaches to the shoe’s lacing hooks.
Dictus Flex – Designed for lace-up shoes, this version includes a wrist band, a rubber band, and an attachment device mounted in the shoe. The Flex rubber band provides adjustable support.
Dictus Hip – Suitable for individuals with weakened leg muscles or hip flexors, such as those with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It includes a comfortable hip belt and elastic rubber bands that assist with hip flexion, making it easier to lift the leg while walking.
How do I choose the right size for a Dictus Band?
How do I choose the right size for a Dictus Band?
Sizing depends on specific measurements, such as waist and thigh circumference for the Dictus Hip. Detailed sizing information can be found in the product documentation.
Can the Dictus Band be worn with any type of shoe?
Can the Dictus Band be worn with any type of shoe?
The Dictus Original and Dictus Flex are designed to be discreet and compatible with most types of shoes, including lace-up shoes. The Dictus Hip can be worn over regular clothing or under loose-fitting clothes and can be used on one or both legs.
Is the Dictus Band suitable for children?
Is the Dictus Band suitable for children?
Yes, Dictus Bands are available for both children and adults, providing a comfortable and discreet aid for individuals with foot drop.
How do I maintain and clean my Dictus Band?
How do I maintain and clean my Dictus Band?
The ankle strap of the Dictus Band is made of genuine leather, which becomes more comfortable over time. To maintain it, follow standard leather care practices, such as:
- Wiping with a damp cloth
- Applying leather conditioner as needed