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Choosing a Mobility Scooter

Choosing a Mobility Scooter

Before starting to look at scooters, think about the following:

  • What do you want your scooter for and where will you mostly use it? Indoors, outdoors or a mixture of both?
  • Where will you store the scooter and where will you charge it?
  • Do you need it to be transported in a vehicle - and if so how often?

Once you have determined what is important to you, you can refer to the three groups below to determine which size range of scooters best suits your needs. Read more about each individual scooter listed below on our website by clicking on the product name. Once you have one or two specific scooters in mind, you can start shopping around in your local area or even online. We strongly recommend purchasing a scooter from a stocklist that also has the availability to service and maintain your scooter.

While there are lots of second hand scooters available on the likes of TradeMe – be aware that many of these may come with batteries that require replacing soon after purchase and it is often difficult to tell how much wear the scooter has had.

Mobility Scooter Ranges

Small Mobility Scooters

A Small Mobility Scooter offers maneuverability and convenience, making it an ideal solution for indoor use and transportation.

Small Mobility Scooters have a smaller turning circle, which makes navigating around in a confined space, such as a crowded shopping centre, easier. Many of the models in this category can fold down or are easily dismantled so you can put them in the car.

The trade-off is that a smaller size means a smaller battery and less range per charge – usually only up to about 20 km. They also have smaller wheels which can make them less steady on uneven ground and they can lack the power needed to get up steep hills.

View Small Mobility Scooters >

 Mid-Sized Mobility Scooter

Mid-Sized Mobility Scooters give you the ease of use of a smaller scooter with the extra power to tackle small inclines and outdoor terrain. This is an ideal option if you plan to make a lot of trips locally, like to the shops or a friend’s house nearby.

These may also be the best option if you intend to use your scooter on public transport. While restrictions vary, you’ll generally be able to take your mobility scooter on any public transport that’s also wheelchair accessible.

Features you may find in these models include:

  • Puncture-proof, knobbly tyres for extra traction outdoors
  • LED front headlight, tail light and indicators for visibility
  • Front basket for shopping
  • Basic suspension for a comfortable ride
  • Padded seat including arm rests and headrests
  • Rear view mirrors for extra safety

View Mid-Sized Mobility Scooters

Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters

Heavy duty or large scooters are better suited to handling difficult terrain and long distances. The pneumatic rubber wheels and suspension allow for a smoother ride. Models in this range also tend to have more supportive seats, including padded arm rests and headrests.

They are also better for people who are larger in stature – especially those with longer legs.

 Features you may find in these models

  • Pneumatic tyres for a smoother ride over uneven terrain
  • Deluxe padded high-top seat
  • Hydraulic braking system for more control
  • Full lighting system including LED headlight, kerb light, tail lights and indicators
  • Large front basket for shopping
  • Ability to add additional storage and accessories
  • Generally cover a range of 25 – 50 kms

View Heavy Duty / Large Sized Mobility Scooters

For more information please refer to our FAQ’s or email helpis@alliedmedical.co.nz.