CTM HS-928 Deluxe - Mobility Scooter with Cabin

The CTM HS-928 with cabin is a robust four wheel scooter with a cabin included for extra protection from all kinds of weather. It is a robust scooter for larger users or for those wanting to go longer distances.  Its design includes a robust cabin that can have the side doors removed for added convenience. The cabin also features a heater to keep you warm through the winter months, as well as windscreen wipers to wipe away the rain.


Call 0800 AMLTECH (265 8324) to speak with one of our Technicians.

Email sales@alliedmedical.co.nz or call 0800 31 61 81 to place an order or enquire about pricing. Note pricing in downloads is not NZ pricing and we may not stock all featured parts. 

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